I am trying to create all necessary files for running simulation on magnesite. I used buckingham potential parameters for that mineral and wrote all of the coefficient parameters in the proper places of magnesite.lt file. But, I am going to run the system.lt files, then it is saying that there are no atoms in the data file. Woulf you like to help me solving that problem? I have attached both magnesite.lt and system.lt files here for your convenience. Thank you.
Akash Talapatra
Virginia Tech
Magnesite.lt (2.1 KB)
system.lt (1.3 KB)
This is a question for @jewettaij, the author of moltemplate.
Thank you for your response. How could I reach to him?
In system.lt the closing bracket for defining the boundary should be before making the Magnesite
write_once("Data Boundary") {
0.0 48.0342 xlo xhi
0.0 48.0342 ylo yhi
0.0 48.0342 zlo zhi
magnesite = new Magnesite [10].move(0.00, 0.00, 3.10342)
[10].move(0.00, 3.10342, 0.01)
[10].move(3.10342, 0.01, 0.01)
The following is generated using the files below and the command line input
moltemplate.sh -atomstyle full system.lt
forcefield.lt (819 Bytes)
Magnesite.lt (861 Bytes)
system.lt (283 Bytes)
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My use of @jewettaij in the response should already have triggered sending him an email through the notification system of the Discourse forum software. But that is no longer required, since @tjbarrett has already debugged your files and gave you a suggestion how to correct your files.
Than you so much for your help to solve my issue.
Thank you sir for your response.