Next-gen web site code snippets are deprecated

The code snippet suggesting an API call that corresponds to, e.g., downloading a specific task (which show up at the bottom of the web page e.g. Materials Project - Materials Explorer - mp-2508331) include

    tasks_doc = mpr.tasks.get_data_by_id(

which results in the following deprecation warning

DeprecationWarning: Accessing tasks data through MPRester.tasks is deprecated. Please use MPRester.materials.tasks instead

Could that web-site text be updated? Looks to me like it just needs to be mpr.materials.tasks.get_data_by_id.

Hi @noam.bernstein thanks for the feedback. Yes, we will update the code snippet.

Thanks. BTW, if this sort of comment is better placed in some github issues page in the future, let me know. I couldn’t find a repo obviously relevant to the web site front end.

Thanks for asking. This forum is the best place to report issues with our website. The actual Github repo for it is private.

@noam.bernstein the code snippet has been updated. Thanks @ruoxiyang !