Nonlinear constraints on fitting variables

Dear all.
I cannot figure out how to tell GULP to impose nonlinear constraints on fitting variables:
Ga 3.15 2.85 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 1 1
Here, I want to set the bounds for the parameters zeta (third number) and Qcore (fourth number) as zeta>0 and 0<Qcore<31. I don’t see how (or whether) I can use the constrain command for that.
Many thanks,


Dear Roman,
I’m afraid that there isn’t currently an option to put general bounds on parameters in GULP at present. Sorry. Keeping things positive (i.e. > 0) is possible for somethings via the “abs” keyword, which aims to keep things positive where parameters going negative isn’t very sensible. In my experience of fitting, if a parameter tends to vary a lot and go to strange values then this means there is insufficient fitting data to constrain it. In which case, it’s best just to fix it (or add more/different data).
Best regards,