Not sure if the problems is LAMMPS related or MPI related


So i'm getting the following error (in function MPI_Init) undefined reference to MPL_env2int, undefined reference to MPL_env2bool, and undefined reference to MPL_env2str, I installed MPICH2 according to the instructions on their site, so my first guess was that this was a LAMMPS issue, but if anyone is more familiar with both packages could you please tell me which FAQ to look at for answers?

~Nickhil Rokkam


So i'm getting the following error (in function MPI_Init) undefined
reference to MPL_env2int, undefined reference to MPL_env2bool, and
undefined reference to MPL_env2str, I installed MPICH2 according to the
instructions on their site, so my first guess was that this was a LAMMPS
issue, but if anyone is more familiar with both packages could you
please tell me which FAQ to look at for answers?

this is not a LAMMPS issue. it looks like either your MPI install is botched
or you compiled and linked with two different MPI packages.

have you tried compiling a simple "hello world" type MPI program?
