Dear all,
The PM2E team in the CIMAP laboratory is looking for a PhD candidate. The goal of the project is to understand key parameters in semiconductor defects stability and physics (both vacancies and color centers, see for example this article using molecular modeling. The end goals of the project is concerned with application for quantum computing through the making of stable qubits. Collaboration and communication with experimentalists will be part of the project. The position would be supervised by Pr. Jun Chen with help from Dr. Viwanou Hounkpati and myself.
If you are or know someone that is interested in molecular dynamics, Monte-Carlo simulations, or DFT / quantum calculations, and looking for a PhD, do not hesitate to reach or share. We are using codes such as Lammps[1] and QuantumEspresso. We are looking for a candidate finishing or already having a master degree (or equivalent diploma) with training in physics/materials science or theoretical chemistry. Any experience in molecular simulation and/or programming using Python, C/C++ and the Linux environment would be considered a plus.
The position is located in Alençon (Orne), between Caen and Le Mans, in Normandy, France. Founding is assured for relevant candidates. French speaking is not mandatory for this position.
More info on the offer and contact information: here.
What a shocking news for people here.