OPLS-AA force field

There is no link between your question and LAMMPS, and therefore you should ask it in a different forum.

But I want to set up a model first and then simulate in LAMMPS.

The setup of the model is independent from LAMMPS. For that you need:

  • Study the OPLS-AA publications carefully and in detail. They explain how to apply the force field correcty
  • get suitable geometries
  • assign atom types according to the force field as explained in the publications
  • define molecular topology (angles, dihedrals). typically it is inferred from the bonds.
  • assign bond, angle, dihedral types based on the atom types
  • determine the partial charges on the atoms based on atom types of atoms bonded to each other following the instructions in the OPLS-AA papers

All of this has to be done outside of LAMMPS, some parts need to be done manually, others may be automated. Only if you have all this information you can try to build a LAMMPS data or molecule file and then build a system for a simulation.

This forum focuses on LAMMPS itself and not on how to teach people to set up simulations or how to apply force fields. This is usually learned from a tutor or adviser and discussed in forums specific to the force field or the tools related to it. LAMMPS does not have such tools.

Or to explain it with an example: if you buy a car you don’t ask the vendor to teach you how to drive and give you a driver’s license? In the simulation business there is no equivalent to a driver’s license so people tend to think that can do it without the proper training, but that is a mistake.

From the papers using OPLS-AA force field, I can only find pair coeffs, while other coefficients such as bond coeff and angle coeff are not mentioned. So I wonder how to find these parameters.

You are not looking at the proper publication. There are papers that explain the OPLS-AA force field. Those do include all the information you need. You are looking at a publication that uses the force field. That is different.

An example of how to describe a molecule using oplsaa.lt was posted here.
Search the forum and mailing-list for other moltemplate examples: a good starting point is this one. As pointed out, this forum is really for LAMMPS. Moltemplate is a different software that is used to create input files for LAMMPS.

In fact, I try to set up a model with PACKMOL and complete the topology as well as force field parameters through Moltemplate. I carefully assigned a type to each atom according to the oplsaa.lt file come with Moltemplate, and I checked that the charge of the entire molecule is indeed zero. But when I run nvt after minimization in LAMMPS, it failed at the first step with the error "bond atoms missing. I don’t know what lead to this, is it caused by unreasonable parameters of the force field? I can’t think of any other reason because the rest of the force field parameters I’ve used in other systems, which were also modeled with PACKMOL and the simulation in LAMMPS finally succeeded.
My files are attached.
system.data (134.5 KB)
system.in (1.4 KB)
system.in.charges (44.3 KB)
system.in.settings (95.6 KB)

But there are not all parameters of the force field of the molecule I’m trying to simulate in papers explaining the OPLS-AA force field. I think such paper is hard to find and the structures of polymers I’m trying to simulate are generally complicated.

The input system looks reasonable, even though the atom types for the sulfobetaine seem to be assigned incorrectly: you have a different atom type per atom.

I would use the following strategy:

  1. Create your system with Packmol and export the structure as PDB.
  2. Create a corresponding LT script for Moltemplate, where you define the molecules in the same order of the PDB file, eg:
# Input sample.
wat = new TIP3P [500]
mol = new SLB[10]
cat = new CA
ani = new CL[2]
  1. The snippet above is incomplete and I made up the name of the macros with the single molecule definitions. You fill the gaps here.
  2. Note that you are asking Moltemplate to create those molecules with the same position in space, meaning that they will overlap. But don’t worry, as you are also going to override the input geometry with the input structure.

Render with: moltemplate.sh -overlay-all -pdb my_input.pdb my_script.lt
You should be good to go!

That’s what I did, but at the first step of nvt it failed with the error "bond atoms missing. :sob: :sob:

You assigned bad atom types and possibly also bond types, etc. Have you noticed that, after minimisation, the potential energy increases as crazy? By replacing the atom number with the element symbol, that’s how your molecules look:

The charges looks a bit better:

The bottom line is that the simulation loses atoms and bonds because the force field is bogus.

EDIT: I have just noticed that molecule 510, represented here, is different from molecules [500:509].

Yes, and I noticed that the energy of this system after minimization is not low enough compared with some of the systems I’ve successfully simulated before.
Besides, the molecule you represented seems a little strange because there shouldn’t be two nitrogen atoms forming a bond. The real polymer would look something like this. And there is only one this polymer in my system.

As for the force field, I carefully assigned a type to each atom according to the oplsaa.lt file come with Moltemplate.

And I even checked the total charge of this molecule to see whether I applied the correct force field for each atom. And the reusult is that the total charge of this molecule is exactly equal to zero. So is this a wrong way to assign force field?

The molecule I have represented is taken from your DATA file. You better double check how you assigned the atom types, as in the files you shared the hydrogen atoms in the two methyl groups are assigned to @atom:87, which is a carbon in “Alkene RH-C=”.
I pointed out at the problem, it’s up to you to fix it. Don’t waste your time with screenshots, as they do not prove that you set up your polymer correctly.
For instance, the monomers are indeed bonded, but they also have individual molecule identifiers (molid 501:510), while they should have a single one for the entire chain. Check again the instructions on how to set up a polymer in the Moltemplate website.

As for the atom types you mentioned, that’s because the type starts with Calcuim in my data file and the number after the symbol ‘#’ corresponds to the real serial number in the oplsaa.lt file.
And I checked the parameters of the force field in my data file and they do match the parameters in the oplsaa.lt file. The only mistake I’ve found is in this “Masses” section, which has been corrected now. But it still can’t work.
While the instruction of my system is set up by PACKMOL, considering that the energy is not enough low after minimization, I doubt the initial structure is unreasonable.

You have made mistakes in the LT files defining your system and/or molecular species, and Moltemplate is assigning atom types accordingly. You will go nowhere by patching some random IDs in the data file. Another error I can spot is that the calcium ion should be assigned type @atom:354 and chlorine ions, type @atom:344.
Also note that posting screenshots of text is utterly useless, other than wasteful. Please share all the files you have used to render your system (PDB from Packmol, LT files with the definition of every species, master LT file with the definition of your system) if you want me to have a look.
I assume you are using the file oplsaa.lt distributed with Moltemplate, so no need to include it.

I wrote the force field of ions with the parameters I’ve successfully simulated before.
H2O.lt (1.8 KB)
ions.lt (549 Bytes)
PolyNIPAM.lt (23.0 KB)
system.lt (264 Bytes)
model.pdb (135.9 KB)
Thanks a lot.

The problem was defining the water, Ca2+, and Cl- with their own atom types: @atom:O, @atom:H, @atom:Ca, and @atom:Cl on top of the atom types already defined in the oplsaa.lt file. This resulted in a mismatch between pair coefficients that produces lost atoms.

I was able to reproduce your error with this definition of the system (LT file):

import "H2O.lt"
import "ions.lt"
import "oplsaa.lt"
import "PolyNIPAM.lt"

# Create the system.
wat=new H2O[500]
pol=new PolyNIPAM[1]
cat=new Ca[1]
ani=new Cl[2]

With the imports above, the force field settings are specified more than once, as they are inherited by both H2O.lt and oplsaa.lt. The resulting file then must be edited manually after being created by Moltemplate.
You were right: the atom types were assigned correctly for the polymer. Their value was just shifted as 4 new atom types were created before the set defined in OPLS-AA.

If instead of mixing different force fields you describe all the molecular species with OPLS-AA, then the simulation goes just fine. Here are my changes.
First of all, I have assigned a single molid to the polymer residue:

PolyNIPAM inherits OPLSAA {

  # Charges will be overwritten.
  write("Data Atoms") {
    $atom:81_1   $mol @atom:81  0.0   -2.357   -0.245    0.629
    $atom:81_2   $mol @atom:81  0.0   -1.194    0.752    0.778
    $atom:85_1   $mol @atom:85  0.0   -2.027   -1.242    0.957
    $atom:177_1  $mol @atom:177 0.0   -1.743    2.168    0.640
    $atom:85_2   $mol @atom:85  0.0   -0.366    0.490    0.103
    $atom:180_1  $mol @atom:180 0.0   -1.147    2.943   -0.274
    $atom:178_1  $mol @atom:178 0.0   -2.700    2.545    1.293
    $atom:171_1  $mol @atom:171 0.0   -1.602    4.322   -0.446
    $atom:183_1  $mol @atom:183 0.0   -0.241    2.724   -0.647
    $atom:80_1   $mol @atom:80  0.0   -2.662    4.430   -1.547
    $atom:80_2   $mol @atom:80  0.0   -0.400    5.227   -0.741
    $atom:85_3   $mol @atom:85  0.0   -2.053    4.672    0.501
    $atom:85_4   $mol @atom:85  0.0   -3.539    3.796   -1.342
    $atom:85_5   $mol @atom:85  0.0   -2.245    4.148   -2.526
    $atom:85_6   $mol @atom:85  0.0   -3.006    5.475   -1.612
    $atom:85_7   $mol @atom:85  0.0    0.080    4.944   -1.690
    $atom:85_8   $mol @atom:85  0.0    0.355    5.185    0.060
    $atom:85_9   $mol @atom:85  0.0   -0.737    6.273   -0.826
    $atom:85_10  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -3.156    0.050    1.336
    $atom:85_11  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -0.808    0.718    1.811
    $atom:81_3   $mol @atom:81  0.0   -4.482   -0.662   -0.732
    $atom:82_1   $mol @atom:82  0.0   -2.984   -0.308   -0.783
    $atom:85_12  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -4.918    0.018    0.014
    $atom:177_2  $mol @atom:177 0.0   -2.344   -1.080   -1.873
    $atom:180_2  $mol @atom:180 0.0   -1.131   -1.604   -1.620
    $atom:178_2  $mol @atom:178 0.0   -2.876   -1.219   -2.965
    $atom:171_2  $mol @atom:171 0.0   -0.391   -2.304   -2.661
    $atom:183_2  $mol @atom:183 0.0   -0.690   -1.494   -0.727
    $atom:80_3   $mol @atom:80  0.0    0.802   -3.029   -2.033
    $atom:80_4   $mol @atom:80  0.0    0.094   -1.373   -3.777
    $atom:85_13  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -1.054   -3.067   -3.111
    $atom:85_14  $mol @atom:85  0.0    0.481   -3.774   -1.288
    $atom:85_15  $mol @atom:85  0.0    1.485   -2.319   -1.542
    $atom:85_16  $mol @atom:85  0.0    1.368   -3.558   -2.817
    $atom:85_17  $mol @atom:85  0.0    0.761   -0.594   -3.382
    $atom:85_18  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -0.738   -0.879   -4.300
    $atom:85_19  $mol @atom:85  0.0    0.653   -1.964   -4.521
    $atom:85_20  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -4.937   -0.363   -1.697
    $atom:85_21  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -2.967    0.717   -1.203
    $atom:81_4   $mol @atom:81  0.0   -6.422   -2.235   -0.754
    $atom:82_2   $mol @atom:82  0.0   -4.928   -2.114   -0.469
    $atom:85_22  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -6.565   -1.832   -1.770
    $atom:177_3  $mol @atom:177 0.0   -4.663   -2.569    0.992
    $atom:180_3  $mol @atom:180 0.0   -3.960   -3.716    1.081
    $atom:178_3  $mol @atom:178 0.0   -4.967   -1.904    1.963
    $atom:171_3  $mol @atom:171 0.0   -3.354   -4.204    2.319
    $atom:183_3  $mol @atom:183 0.0   -4.127   -4.397    0.356
    $atom:80_5   $mol @atom:80  0.0   -4.295   -4.572    3.473
    $atom:80_6   $mol @atom:80  0.0   -2.271   -3.244    2.828
    $atom:85_23  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -2.826   -5.135    2.038
    $atom:85_24  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -4.973   -5.396    3.211
    $atom:85_25  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -4.909   -3.718    3.794
    $atom:85_26  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -3.683   -4.896    4.331
    $atom:85_27  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -2.695   -2.272    3.123
    $atom:85_28  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -1.484   -3.073    2.079
    $atom:85_29  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -1.791   -3.686    3.717
    $atom:85_30  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -6.661   -3.312   -0.799
    $atom:85_31  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -4.422   -2.764   -1.206
    $atom:81_5   $mol @atom:81  0.0   -8.861   -2.101   -0.226
    $atom:82_3   $mol @atom:82  0.0   -7.457   -1.604    0.194
    $atom:85_32  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -8.826   -3.186   -0.048
    $atom:177_4  $mol @atom:177 0.0   -7.425   -0.036    0.256
    $atom:180_4  $mol @atom:180 0.0   -6.870    0.431    1.405
    $atom:178_4  $mol @atom:178 0.0   -8.004    0.653   -0.558
    $atom:171_4  $mol @atom:171 0.0   -7.168    1.765    1.912
    $atom:183_4  $mol @atom:183 0.0   -6.797   -0.317    2.080
    $atom:80_7   $mol @atom:80  0.0   -8.664    2.017    2.147
    $atom:80_8   $mol @atom:80  0.0   -6.545    2.857    1.036
    $atom:85_33  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -6.669    1.831    2.899
    $atom:85_34  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -9.114    1.252    2.800
    $atom:85_35  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -9.236    2.024    1.205
    $atom:85_36  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -8.786    3.001    2.625
    $atom:85_37  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -7.002    2.900    0.037
    $atom:85_38  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -5.460    2.706    0.913
    $atom:85_39  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -6.693    3.836    1.521
    $atom:85_40  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -9.602   -1.708    0.496
    $atom:85_41  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -7.328   -2.030    1.207
    $atom:81_6   $mol @atom:81  0.0  -10.877   -2.392   -1.741
    $atom:82_4   $mol @atom:82  0.0   -9.440   -1.848   -1.636
    $atom:85_42  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -11.441   -2.051   -0.857
    $atom:177_5  $mol @atom:177 0.0   -8.631   -2.553   -2.770
    $atom:180_5  $mol @atom:180 0.0   -8.499   -1.785   -3.863
    $atom:178_5  $mol @atom:178 0.0   -8.181   -3.684   -2.688
    $atom:171_5  $mol @atom:171 0.0   -7.938   -2.258   -5.119
    $atom:183_5  $mol @atom:183 0.0   -9.049   -0.943   -3.902
    $atom:80_9   $mol @atom:80  0.0   -8.792   -3.342   -5.780
    $atom:80_10  $mol @atom:80  0.0   -6.470   -2.687   -5.003
    $atom:85_43  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -7.963   -1.383   -5.795
    $atom:85_44  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -9.825   -2.995   -5.943
    $atom:85_45  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -8.838   -4.264   -5.179
    $atom:85_46  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -8.360   -3.594   -6.761
    $atom:85_47  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -6.361   -3.605   -4.407
    $atom:85_48  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -5.850   -1.903   -4.541
    $atom:85_49  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -6.071   -2.887   -6.011
    $atom:85_50  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -11.356   -1.921   -2.619
    $atom:85_51  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -9.494   -0.756   -1.795
    $atom:81_7   $mol @atom:81  0.0  -12.476   -4.326   -2.296
    $atom:82_5   $mol @atom:82  0.0  -11.042   -3.918   -1.914
    $atom:85_52  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -12.606   -4.028   -3.347
    $atom:177_6  $mol @atom:177 0.0  -10.631   -4.675   -0.614
    $atom:180_6  $mol @atom:180 0.0   -9.796   -5.703   -0.861
    $atom:178_6  $mol @atom:178 0.0  -11.127   -4.453    0.474
    $atom:171_6  $mol @atom:171 0.0   -9.186   -6.529    0.183
    $atom:183_6  $mol @atom:183 0.0   -9.206   -5.554   -1.669
    $atom:80_11  $mol @atom:80  0.0  -10.225   -7.315    0.995
    $atom:80_12  $mol @atom:80  0.0   -8.204   -5.783    1.100
    $atom:85_53  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -8.602   -7.290   -0.368
    $atom:85_54  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -10.889   -7.898    0.339
    $atom:85_55  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -10.843   -6.658    1.625
    $atom:85_56  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -9.699   -8.020    1.659
    $atom:85_57  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -8.739   -5.060    1.735
    $atom:85_58  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -7.431   -5.245    0.530
    $atom:85_59  $mol @atom:85  0.0   -7.700   -6.510    1.757
    $atom:85_60  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -12.525   -5.430   -2.285
    $atom:85_61  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -10.438   -4.244   -2.777
    $atom:81_8   $mol @atom:81  0.0  -14.920   -4.584   -1.600
    $atom:82_6   $mol @atom:82  0.0  -13.632   -3.752   -1.465
    $atom:85_62  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -14.649   -5.586   -1.247
    $atom:177_7  $mol @atom:177 0.0  -13.893   -2.285   -1.914
    $atom:180_7  $mol @atom:180 0.0  -13.965   -1.422   -0.889
    $atom:178_7  $mol @atom:178 0.0  -13.974   -1.956   -3.082
    $atom:171_7  $mol @atom:171 0.0  -14.239    0.001   -1.025
    $atom:183_7  $mol @atom:183 0.0  -13.577   -1.708   -0.004
    $atom:80_13  $mol @atom:80  0.0  -15.680    0.246   -1.480
    $atom:80_14  $mol @atom:80  0.0  -13.267    0.807   -1.893
    $atom:85_63  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -14.156    0.414   -0.002
    $atom:85_64  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -16.408   -0.251   -0.821
    $atom:85_65  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -15.849   -0.114   -2.507
    $atom:85_66  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -15.890    1.327   -1.461
    $atom:85_67  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -13.268    0.469   -2.940
    $atom:85_68  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -12.239    0.760   -1.513
    $atom:85_69  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -13.597    1.859   -1.881
    $atom:85_70  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -15.637   -4.195   -0.859
    $atom:85_71  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -13.362   -3.817   -0.395
    $atom:81_9   $mol @atom:81  0.0  -17.064   -5.395   -2.685
    $atom:82_7   $mol @atom:82  0.0  -15.684   -4.733   -2.934
    $atom:85_72  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -17.540   -4.759   -1.921
    $atom:177_8  $mol @atom:177 0.0  -14.870   -5.540   -3.996
    $atom:180_8  $mol @atom:180 0.0  -14.373   -4.756   -4.977
    $atom:178_8  $mol @atom:178 0.0  -14.748   -6.750   -3.981
    $atom:171_8  $mol @atom:171 0.0  -13.393   -5.268   -5.940
    $atom:183_8  $mol @atom:183 0.0  -14.174   -3.807   -4.679
    $atom:80_15  $mol @atom:80  0.0  -14.106   -6.091   -7.020
    $atom:80_16  $mol @atom:80  0.0  -12.175   -6.042   -5.407
    $atom:85_73  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -12.988   -4.367   -6.439
    $atom:85_74  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -14.926   -5.528   -7.494
    $atom:85_75  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -14.530   -7.019   -6.606
    $atom:85_76  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -13.392   -6.372   -7.812
    $atom:85_77  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -12.467   -7.007   -4.964
    $atom:85_78  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -11.600   -5.477   -4.663
    $atom:85_79  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -11.507   -6.251   -6.259
    $atom:85_80  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -17.675   -5.258   -3.598
    $atom:85_81  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -15.938   -3.724   -3.313
    $atom:81_10  $mol @atom:81  0.0  -18.749   -7.194   -2.096
    $atom:82_8   $mol @atom:82  0.0  -17.248   -6.883   -2.287
    $atom:85_82  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -19.267   -6.796   -2.989
    $atom:177_9  $mol @atom:177 0.0  -16.454   -7.269   -0.999
    $atom:180_9  $mol @atom:180 0.0  -15.335   -7.967   -1.254
    $atom:178_9  $mol @atom:178 0.0  -16.762   -6.899    0.120
    $atom:171_9  $mol @atom:171 0.0  -14.367   -8.387   -0.248
    $atom:183_9  $mol @atom:183 0.0  -15.240   -8.331   -2.192
    $atom:80_17  $mol @atom:80  0.0  -14.904   -9.451    0.715
    $atom:80_18  $mol @atom:80  0.0  -13.725   -7.242    0.549
    $atom:85_83  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -13.545   -8.861   -0.817
    $atom:85_84  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -15.290  -10.333    0.182
    $atom:85_85  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -15.717   -9.064    1.350
    $atom:85_86  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -14.087   -9.788    1.373
    $atom:85_87  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -14.468   -6.647    1.100
    $atom:85_88  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -13.139   -6.565   -0.089
    $atom:85_89  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -13.036   -7.679    1.290
    $atom:85_90  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -18.877   -8.292   -2.150
    $atom:85_91  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -16.939   -7.505   -3.147
    $atom:80_19  $mol @atom:80  0.0  -20.999   -7.206   -1.036
    $atom:82_9   $mol @atom:82  0.0  -19.540   -6.757   -0.843
    $atom:85_92  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -21.046   -8.300   -1.156
    $atom:85_93  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -21.439   -6.747   -1.936
    $atom:177_10 $mol @atom:177 0.0  -19.578   -5.207   -0.628
    $atom:180_10 $mol @atom:180 0.0  -19.061   -4.828    0.557
    $atom:178_10 $mol @atom:178 0.0  -20.185   -4.465   -1.375
    $atom:171_10 $mol @atom:171 0.0  -18.878   -3.426    0.994
    $atom:183_10 $mol @atom:183 0.0  -18.342   -5.450    0.901
    $atom:80_20  $mol @atom:80  0.0  -19.984   -2.451    0.558
    $atom:80_21  $mol @atom:80  0.0  -17.509   -2.857    0.610
    $atom:85_94  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -18.906   -3.470    2.099
    $atom:85_95  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -20.991   -2.887    0.651
    $atom:85_96  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -19.829   -2.132   -0.485
    $atom:85_97  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -19.955   -1.550    1.193
    $atom:85_98  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -17.405   -2.773   -0.482
    $atom:85_99  $mol @atom:85  0.0  -16.684   -3.475    0.993
    $atom:85_100 $mol @atom:85  0.0  -17.407   -1.849    1.043
    $atom:85_101 $mol @atom:85  0.0  -21.621   -6.939   -0.168
    $atom:85_102 $mol @atom:85  0.0  -19.160   -7.294    0.044

  write("Data Bond List") {
    $bond:id1 $atom:81_1 $atom:81_2
    $bond:id2 $atom:81_1 $atom:85_1
    $bond:id3 $atom:81_1 $atom:85_10
    $bond:id4 $atom:81_1 $atom:82_1
    $bond:id5 $atom:81_2 $atom:177_1
    $bond:id6 $atom:81_2 $atom:85_2
    $bond:id7 $atom:81_2 $atom:85_11
    $bond:id8 $atom:177_1 $atom:180_1
    $bond:id9 $atom:177_1 $atom:178_1
    $bond:id10 $atom:180_1 $atom:171_1
    $bond:id11 $atom:180_1 $atom:183_1
    $bond:id12 $atom:171_1 $atom:80_1
    $bond:id13 $atom:171_1 $atom:80_2
    $bond:id14 $atom:85_3 $atom:171_1
    $bond:id15 $atom:85_4 $atom:80_1
    $bond:id16 $atom:85_5 $atom:80_1
    $bond:id17 $atom:85_6 $atom:80_1
    $bond:id18 $atom:85_7 $atom:80_2
    $bond:id19 $atom:85_8 $atom:80_2
    $bond:id20 $atom:85_9 $atom:80_2
    $bond:id21 $atom:81_3 $atom:82_1
    $bond:id22 $atom:81_3 $atom:85_12
    $bond:id23 $atom:81_3 $atom:85_20
    $bond:id24 $atom:81_3 $atom:82_2
    $bond:id25 $atom:177_2 $atom:82_1
    $bond:id26 $atom:85_21 $atom:82_1
    $bond:id27 $atom:177_2 $atom:180_2
    $bond:id28 $atom:177_2 $atom:178_2
    $bond:id29 $atom:180_2 $atom:171_2
    $bond:id30 $atom:180_2 $atom:183_2
    $bond:id31 $atom:171_2 $atom:80_3
    $bond:id32 $atom:171_2 $atom:80_4
    $bond:id33 $atom:85_13 $atom:171_2
    $bond:id34 $atom:85_14 $atom:80_3
    $bond:id35 $atom:85_15 $atom:80_3
    $bond:id36 $atom:85_16 $atom:80_3
    $bond:id37 $atom:85_17 $atom:80_4
    $bond:id38 $atom:85_18 $atom:80_4
    $bond:id39 $atom:85_19 $atom:80_4
    $bond:id40 $atom:81_4 $atom:82_2
    $bond:id41 $atom:81_4 $atom:85_22
    $bond:id42 $atom:81_4 $atom:85_30
    $bond:id43 $atom:81_4 $atom:82_3
    $bond:id44 $atom:177_3 $atom:82_2
    $bond:id45 $atom:85_31 $atom:82_2
    $bond:id46 $atom:177_3 $atom:180_3
    $bond:id47 $atom:177_3 $atom:178_3
    $bond:id48 $atom:180_3 $atom:171_3
    $bond:id49 $atom:180_3 $atom:183_3
    $bond:id50 $atom:171_3 $atom:80_5
    $bond:id51 $atom:171_3 $atom:80_6
    $bond:id52 $atom:85_23 $atom:171_3
    $bond:id53 $atom:85_24 $atom:80_5
    $bond:id54 $atom:85_25 $atom:80_5
    $bond:id55 $atom:85_26 $atom:80_5
    $bond:id56 $atom:85_27 $atom:80_6
    $bond:id57 $atom:85_28 $atom:80_6
    $bond:id58 $atom:85_29 $atom:80_6
    $bond:id59 $atom:81_5 $atom:82_3
    $bond:id60 $atom:81_5 $atom:85_32
    $bond:id61 $atom:81_5 $atom:85_40
    $bond:id62 $atom:81_5 $atom:82_4
    $bond:id63 $atom:177_4 $atom:82_3
    $bond:id64 $atom:85_41 $atom:82_3
    $bond:id65 $atom:177_4 $atom:180_4
    $bond:id66 $atom:177_4 $atom:178_4
    $bond:id67 $atom:180_4 $atom:171_4
    $bond:id68 $atom:180_4 $atom:183_4
    $bond:id69 $atom:171_4 $atom:80_7
    $bond:id70 $atom:171_4 $atom:80_8
    $bond:id71 $atom:85_33 $atom:171_4
    $bond:id72 $atom:85_34 $atom:80_7
    $bond:id73 $atom:85_35 $atom:80_7
    $bond:id74 $atom:85_36 $atom:80_7
    $bond:id75 $atom:85_37 $atom:80_8
    $bond:id76 $atom:85_38 $atom:80_8
    $bond:id77 $atom:85_39 $atom:80_8
    $bond:id78 $atom:81_6 $atom:82_4
    $bond:id79 $atom:81_6 $atom:85_42
    $bond:id80 $atom:81_6 $atom:85_50
    $bond:id81 $atom:81_6 $atom:82_5
    $bond:id82 $atom:177_5 $atom:82_4
    $bond:id83 $atom:85_51 $atom:82_4
    $bond:id84 $atom:177_5 $atom:180_5
    $bond:id85 $atom:177_5 $atom:178_5
    $bond:id86 $atom:180_5 $atom:171_5
    $bond:id87 $atom:180_5 $atom:183_5
    $bond:id88 $atom:171_5 $atom:80_9
    $bond:id89 $atom:171_5 $atom:80_10
    $bond:id90 $atom:85_43 $atom:171_5
    $bond:id91 $atom:85_44 $atom:80_9
    $bond:id92 $atom:85_45 $atom:80_9
    $bond:id93 $atom:85_46 $atom:80_9
    $bond:id94 $atom:85_47 $atom:80_10
    $bond:id95 $atom:85_48 $atom:80_10
    $bond:id96 $atom:85_49 $atom:80_10
    $bond:id97 $atom:81_7 $atom:82_5
    $bond:id98 $atom:81_7 $atom:85_52
    $bond:id99 $atom:81_7 $atom:85_60
    $bond:id100 $atom:81_7 $atom:82_6
    $bond:id101 $atom:177_6 $atom:82_5
    $bond:id102 $atom:85_61 $atom:82_5
    $bond:id103 $atom:177_6 $atom:180_6
    $bond:id104 $atom:177_6 $atom:178_6
    $bond:id105 $atom:180_6 $atom:171_6
    $bond:id106 $atom:180_6 $atom:183_6
    $bond:id107 $atom:171_6 $atom:80_11
    $bond:id108 $atom:171_6 $atom:80_12
    $bond:id109 $atom:85_53 $atom:171_6
    $bond:id110 $atom:85_54 $atom:80_11
    $bond:id111 $atom:85_55 $atom:80_11
    $bond:id112 $atom:85_56 $atom:80_11
    $bond:id113 $atom:85_57 $atom:80_12
    $bond:id114 $atom:85_58 $atom:80_12
    $bond:id115 $atom:85_59 $atom:80_12
    $bond:id116 $atom:81_8 $atom:82_6
    $bond:id117 $atom:81_8 $atom:85_62
    $bond:id118 $atom:81_8 $atom:85_70
    $bond:id119 $atom:81_8 $atom:82_7
    $bond:id120 $atom:177_7 $atom:82_6
    $bond:id121 $atom:85_71 $atom:82_6
    $bond:id122 $atom:177_7 $atom:180_7
    $bond:id123 $atom:177_7 $atom:178_7
    $bond:id124 $atom:180_7 $atom:171_7
    $bond:id125 $atom:180_7 $atom:183_7
    $bond:id126 $atom:171_7 $atom:80_13
    $bond:id127 $atom:171_7 $atom:80_14
    $bond:id128 $atom:85_63 $atom:171_7
    $bond:id129 $atom:85_64 $atom:80_13
    $bond:id130 $atom:85_65 $atom:80_13
    $bond:id131 $atom:85_66 $atom:80_13
    $bond:id132 $atom:85_67 $atom:80_14
    $bond:id133 $atom:85_68 $atom:80_14
    $bond:id134 $atom:85_69 $atom:80_14
    $bond:id135 $atom:81_9 $atom:82_7
    $bond:id136 $atom:81_9 $atom:85_72
    $bond:id137 $atom:81_9 $atom:85_80
    $bond:id138 $atom:81_9 $atom:82_8
    $bond:id139 $atom:177_8 $atom:82_7
    $bond:id140 $atom:85_81 $atom:82_7
    $bond:id141 $atom:177_8 $atom:180_8
    $bond:id142 $atom:177_8 $atom:178_8
    $bond:id143 $atom:180_8 $atom:171_8
    $bond:id144 $atom:180_8 $atom:183_8
    $bond:id145 $atom:171_8 $atom:80_15
    $bond:id146 $atom:171_8 $atom:80_16
    $bond:id147 $atom:85_73 $atom:171_8
    $bond:id148 $atom:85_74 $atom:80_15
    $bond:id149 $atom:85_75 $atom:80_15
    $bond:id150 $atom:85_76 $atom:80_15
    $bond:id151 $atom:85_77 $atom:80_16
    $bond:id152 $atom:85_78 $atom:80_16
    $bond:id153 $atom:85_79 $atom:80_16
    $bond:id154 $atom:81_10 $atom:82_8
    $bond:id155 $atom:81_10 $atom:85_82
    $bond:id156 $atom:81_10 $atom:85_90
    $bond:id157 $atom:81_10 $atom:82_9
    $bond:id158 $atom:177_9 $atom:82_8
    $bond:id159 $atom:85_91 $atom:82_8
    $bond:id160 $atom:177_9 $atom:180_9
    $bond:id161 $atom:177_9 $atom:178_9
    $bond:id162 $atom:180_9 $atom:171_9
    $bond:id163 $atom:180_9 $atom:183_9
    $bond:id164 $atom:171_9 $atom:80_17
    $bond:id165 $atom:171_9 $atom:80_18
    $bond:id166 $atom:85_83 $atom:171_9
    $bond:id167 $atom:85_84 $atom:80_17
    $bond:id168 $atom:85_85 $atom:80_17
    $bond:id169 $atom:85_86 $atom:80_17
    $bond:id170 $atom:85_87 $atom:80_18
    $bond:id171 $atom:85_88 $atom:80_18
    $bond:id172 $atom:85_89 $atom:80_18
    $bond:id173 $atom:80_19 $atom:82_9
    $bond:id174 $atom:85_92 $atom:80_19
    $bond:id175 $atom:85_93 $atom:80_19
    $bond:id176 $atom:85_101 $atom:80_19
    $bond:id177 $atom:177_10 $atom:82_9
    $bond:id178 $atom:85_102 $atom:82_9
    $bond:id179 $atom:177_10 $atom:180_10
    $bond:id180 $atom:177_10 $atom:178_10
    $bond:id181 $atom:180_10 $atom:171_10
    $bond:id182 $atom:180_10 $atom:183_10
    $bond:id183 $atom:171_10 $atom:80_20
    $bond:id184 $atom:171_10 $atom:80_21
    $bond:id185 $atom:85_94 $atom:171_10
    $bond:id186 $atom:85_95 $atom:80_20
    $bond:id187 $atom:85_96 $atom:80_20
    $bond:id188 $atom:85_97 $atom:80_20
    $bond:id189 $atom:85_98 $atom:80_21
    $bond:id190 $atom:85_99 $atom:80_21
    $bond:id191 $atom:85_100 $atom:80_21

} # end of "PolyNIPAM inherits OPLSAA" type definition

No need to specify the charges, as they will be overwritten.
Then I created a master file for the simulation. This file contains also the macros defining SPC water, Ca and Cl ions, but of course these species could be saved in separate files and imported. I put everything together for the sake of space.

# Use the OPLS-AA force field for all species.
import "oplsaa.lt"
import "PolyNIPAM.lt"

# Define the SPC water and ions as in the OPLS-AA
Ca inherits OPLSAA {
  write("Data Atoms"){
    $atom:a1  $mol:. @atom:354 0.0  0.00000 0.00000 0.000000
Cl inherits OPLSAA {
  write("Data Atoms"){
    $atom:a1  $mol:. @atom:344 0.0  0.00000 0.00000 0.000000
H2O inherits OPLSAA {
  write("Data Atoms"){
    $atom:O  $mol:. @atom:76 0.  0.0000000 0.00000 0.000000
    $atom:H1 $mol:. @atom:77 0.  0.8164904 0.00000 0.5773590
    $atom:H2 $mol:. @atom:77 0. -0.8164904 0.00000 0.5773590
  write("Data Bond List") {
    $bond:OH1 $atom:O $atom:H1
    $bond:OH2 $atom:O $atom:H2

# Create the system.
wat=new H2O[500]
pol=new PolyNIPAM[1]
cat=new Ca[1]
ani=new Cl[2]

# Periodic boundary conditions:
write_once("Data Boundary"){
  0 26 xlo xhi
  0 26 ylo yhi
  0 26 zlo zhi

# Define the input variables.
write_once("In Init"){
  # Input variables.
  variable ts     equal  1         # timestep
  variable temp   equal  298.15    # equilibrium temperature
  variable p      equal  1.        # equilibrium pressure
  # PBC (set them before the creation of the box).
  boundary p p p
  neighbor        3 bin

# Let's go, Pickacku!
write_once("In Run"){
  dump            33 all dcd 500 sample01.dcd
  dump_modify     33 unwrap yes
  group watergroup type 76 77
  velocity       	all create \$\{temp\} 12345  
  timestep        \$\{ts\}
  thermo          1000
  thermo_style    custom step temp press pe ke etotal atoms lx ly lz vol density
  thermo_modify flush yes
  minimize        .01 .001 1000 100000
  write_data      min.data
  fix 0 watergroup shake 0.0001 20 0 b 1 a 1
  fix             1 all nvt temp \$\{temp\} \$\{temp\} \$(100*dt) drag 2 
  run             500000
  unfix 1
  fix             1 all npt temp \$\{temp\} \$\{temp\} \$(100*dt) iso \$p \$p \$(1000*dt) drag 2 
  run             500000
  unfix 1
  write_data      Equil.data
  fix             1 all nvt temp \$\{temp\} \$\{temp\} \$(100*dt) drag 2 
  run             1000000
  write_data      final.data

Render with:
moltemplate.sh -overlay-all -pdb model.pdb sample02.lt
Run with:
mpirun -np 4 lmp_2Aug23 -in sample01.in -l sample01.log

In this case, the simulation quickly reaches thermal equilibrium:

I hope this is a helpful reference for anyone willing to use the OPLS-AA force field in combination with a PDB containing the initial guess of a molecular system.

@hothello How about you convert this use case into some kind of a moltemplate howto for the LAMMPS manual?

Sure, happy to help with the manual. @jewettaij did a great job with making available the OPLS-AA force field in the LT format. Defining the molecular topology is quite straightforward, as one only has to assign the atom types and specify the list of bonds: the rest is all taken care by Moltemplate.
We take this offline (I will also need to contact you for the paper on CG alkanes!).

According to what you said, I finally simulated successfully. But I still have a question:
In fact, I want to use SPC/E water model instead of SPC water model. So I try to only use the spce.lt file come with Moltemplate as the parameters of force field of water and use oplsaa.lt file as parameters of force field of others. However, it failed with the same error. So I guess is it because the SPC/E water model can’t be applied to OPLS-AA force field?