Hello Materials Project developer and community!
Will MP plan to increase the amount of structure properties given by the Optimade endpoint on MP in the future?
Pulling a structure from the Optimade endpoint:
Leads to the following results:
"_mp_chemical_system": "Ga-Mg-O",
"_mp_stability": {
"gga_gga+u_r2scan": {
"thermo_id": "mp-35712_GGA_GGA+U_R2SCAN",
"energy_above_hull": 0.003970400952375108,
"formation_energy_per_atom": -2.526637671190476,
"last_updated_thermo": "2023-04-27T01:44:28.078000"
"gga_gga+u": {
"thermo_id": "mp-35712_GGA_GGA+U",
"energy_above_hull": 0.003970400952377773,
"formation_energy_per_atom": -2.5341362440476196,
"last_updated_thermo": "2023-04-27T01:44:32.784000"
While the MP page for the same material (https://next-gen.materialsproject.org/materials/mp-35712) has bandgap, magnetization, experimentally observed information, electronic structure info, and I’m assuming if there is a MPTrj entry point we might have forces, magnetic moment, and perhaps even stress tensor?
Will MP plan on integrating these properties in their Optimade endpoint in future?
Thanks all!!