'Order not in orders' error

Dear Hiphive users,

Recently, I have been trying to reconstruct a 2nd order force constant by using hiphive. But after running the program, after a while, the program stops by showing the following error :

Primitive cell:
Formula: XYZ
[ 0.00000 3.67966 0.04826]
[ -4.25402 0.00000 0.00000]
[ 0.00000 -1.97664 21.74727]
X [ 0.30741 0.33031 0.48902]
X [ 0.69259 0.66969 0.51098]
X [ 0.30741 0.66969 0.48902]

Crystal symmetry:
Spacegroup: P2/m (10)
Unique site: 2
Symmetry operations: 4
symprec: 1.00e-05

Maximum cutoff: 6.517468246869091
Found 6 center atoms with 70 images totaling 76 atoms

Clusters: {2: 277, 3: 3788}
Total number of clusters: 4065

Orbits: {2: 50, 3: 395}
Total number of orbits: 445

Eigentensors: {2: 366, 3: 9716}
Total number of parameters: 10082

Acoustic: True
Number of degrees of freedom: {2: 353, 3: 8798}
Total number of degrees of freedom: 9151
Force constant reconstruction error order 2: 3.3643%
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “invariance-fc2.py”, line 22, in
parameters = extract_parameters(fcs2, cs)
File “/home/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hiphive/utilities.py”, line 353, in extract_parameters
fc_original = fcs.get_fc_array(order=order)
File “/home/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hiphive/force_constants.py”, line 116, in get_fc_array
raise ValueError(‘Order not in orders’)
ValueError: Order not in orders

I have never encountered this type of error before. The material is a 2D material and I have used phonopy for phonon calculation. Can anyone suggest to me what I should do in order to resolve this issue.

Thank you in advance,


Dr. Suman Chowdhury

Please dont duplicate issues between gitlab, but see respones here and matsci.

But for future reference we do prefer questions on matsci.