Dear OVITO users and developers,
I am using ovito to create bonds across pbc, and then export LAMMPS DATA file.
In GUI, it is easy to be done by enabling x, y, z pbc under Simulation Cell. However, I have a lot of systems to build so it would be super tedious to click click click.
So I am trying to write a python script to do that, but I met a problem in enabling pbc in python. Here is my code:
pipeline = import_file(trjs)
create_bonds_modifier = CreateBondsModifier(mode=CreateBondsModifier.Mode.Pairwise)
data = pipeline.compute()
print(data.cell_.pbc) # output: False, False, False
print(data.particles.bonds.count) # output: wrong bond number
I noticed that ovito manual mentions this pbc problem, bond vectors?
but it does not mention how to use this bond vectors to create bonds.
Anyone can help me? Thanks!