Pair style table

Dear Axel,
That was my mistake to attache the file without the headers. I'm sorry I know how the lammps compatible format of the potential table looks like.
I just want to ask a question. is this true that for different values of r, I have to compute the lennard jones expression: 4*epsilon((sigma/r)^12-(sigma/r)^6) and these values would be the third column of my potential table?

Dear Axel,
That was my mistake to attache the file without the headers. I'm sorry I
know how the lammps compatible format of the potential table looks like.
I just want to ask a question. is this true that for different values of
r, I have to compute the lennard jones expression:
4*epsilon((sigma/r)^12-(sigma/r)^6) and these values would be the third
column of my potential table?