pairwise averages

Is there a command that can average pairwise properties over all pairs ?

Thank you,


I also have a problem when I try to dump local output via the dump local command. With these commands :

compute PAIRdist all pair/local dist eng
dump PAIR all local 25000 out.pair_infos c_PAIRdist

I get the following error message :

Dump local compute does not calculate local vector (dump_local.cpp:303)

Thank you for your help,


Your PAIRdist compute is generating a local array, rather than a local vector. The first column contains the distances, and the second contains the energies. You need to index the compute to indicate which column you require:

dump PAIR all local 25000 out.pair_infos c_PAIRdist[1] c_PAIRdist[2]

You can use compute reduce ( to average the pair properties. For example, if you wanted the average pair distance and energy:

compute PAIRdist all pair/local dist eng
compute ave_dist all reduce ave c_PAIRdist[1]
compute ave_energy all reduce ave c_PAIRdist[2]

You'd then get a global scalar for both the average distance and average energy.