parameter errors on writing a run loop in Python

Dear lammps users and developers:
I followed the example of calling back to LAMMPS and writing a run loop in Python,but I get following errors!

LOOP ARGS 10 0.0 <PyCObject object at 0x7fad3e4055f8>

LOOP error: argument 3: <type ‘exceptions.TypeError’>: Don’t know how to convert parameter 3

How can I solve this problems? Could you give me some advice?

Thank you in advance!

This seems to be a bug in your python script. Please re-read the documentation very carefully.


if I call python function like this:

variable cut string 0.0

variable Bx string 0.0

variable By string 0.0

python loop input 7 5 5 6 -0.1 -0.01 -0.001 SELF format iiifffp file

python loop invoke

it works!
but when I set one arguments to 0.0, it goes wrong!

python loop input 7 5 5 6 0.0 -0.01 -0.001 SELF format iiifffp file

python loop invoke

I need to set one arguments to 0.0. What can I do?

Thank you in advance!

I am not a magician nor a mind reader. Like I said already, this appears to be a bug in your python code.