Phana install, fix/phonon

I have calculated phonon dynamic matrix for silicon using fix/phonon command and that created the binary file. According to the author of the fix/phonon Dr. Ling-Ti Kong, to crate phonon dispersion curve and density of state we have to install ‘phana’ post processing tool. I tried to follow the github installation process (installing clpack and tricubic) which is provided by Dr. Kong for multiple time. As I am new to the linux platform, I am unable to install it properly and can’t make executable ‘phana’ . Can anyone help me out how to install it properly in details step by step.

Lammps version: 3rd march 2020 legacy version

Thank you.

Please note that this isn’t really a LAMMPS question but a Linux compilation question.

In my experience, the best kind of help you can get with this would be to ask a local person for assistance, that has experience with compiling software from source on Linux (but not necessarily with LAMMPS let alone the phana program).

Thank you. I will try to reach out to some of my friends expert on linux

Were you able to do this?

Also, I had a question. Any idea if phana can be run on Windows? I do not have Linux on my workstation and do not have the option of installing one. So I wanted to know if I can use install phana on Windows.

Any directions on tutorials will be very helpful. Thank you so much for your time.

It should be possible. I was able to compile an executable with a Linux to Windows cross-compiler. The same build environment I use to prepare the LAMMPS installer packages for Windows.

You could install/enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2): 8.6.6. Using LAMMPS on Windows 10 with WSL — LAMMPS documentation

Or you could install VirtualBox. Then you can install Linux in a virtual machine.
I often do things the other way around and run Windows or macOS in a virtual machine on my Linux desktop for testing LAMMPS on those operating systems.

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If you are new to compiling software, I would suggest you to prepare a Linux environment (e.g. virtual machine or WSL, as discussed by Axel above) and use the precompiled binary from the author (phana/precompiled at master · lingtikong/phana · GitHub). I could successfully compile it from scratch only after several tweaks to the makefile and source code, and that’s on native Linux. Running on Windows is possible (at least I got it compiled under Cygwin with some optional libraries excluded), but things would only become more complex in that way.

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@yarupa there is no simple tutorial. One has to do a port. It is easiest when adding a CMake build environment. I have modified the phana code accordingly (and submitted it as a pull request to the upstream repository, of course) and you can find that version here: GitHub - akohlmey/phana at cmake-build-portability

I have been able to compile this with a variety of compilers, including the Clang compiler bundled with Visual Studio. I’ve uploaded the executable (phana.exe) to LAMMPS Binaries Repository: ./lammps-testing
You can download it and give it a try.

There is now also a static Linux binary that should run on any x86_64 Linux version at
Linux users should be able to download the file (phana_linux), apply “chmod +x phana_linux” and then run it.

Furthermore, I have been able to successfully compile the CMake based version on macOS.

Any comments or feedback can be posted either here or with the pull request: Add CMake support, simplify build, improve portability by akohlmey · Pull Request #9 · lingtikong/phana · GitHub