Phonon Dynamic matrix

Dear users,

I am try to calculate Dynamic matrix by LAMMPS , by moving the atoms at ( ±x,±y,±z ) direction by using the following equation


But the phonon transmission going to zero ,

Anyone can help me to find the coupling matrix of the reference cell to its two neighbouring cells in a wire as shown below


With best wishes,


image001.emz (7.76 KB)

This tool may make the task simpler, if you aren’t constrained to only using LAMMPS.




Dear Casimir,

Thank you for your message,

I fact I wrote Fortran code to greate dynamic matrix 3n x 3n where n no. of atoms by using the LAMMPS output file by using the flag “displace_atoms atom_i6 move 0.01 0.00 0.00 units box

dump 1 g2 custom 1 dump_i6xp.fc id type fx fy fz

dump_modify 1 sort id

dump_modify 1 format “%d d .12f .12f .12f”

run 0”

I think the tools that you indicate more complicate





Dear users,

I am try to calculate Dynamic matrix by LAMMPS , by moving the atoms at (
+-x,+-y,+-z ) direction by using the following equation

​why not use fix phonon?




Dear Axel ,

I am never use fix phonon , and I think it is difficult to use it .





Dear Axel ,

I am never use fix phonon , and I think it is difficult to use it .

if you don't want to use existing functionality, and also don't know how
to follow through on your me​thod of choice, then you are out of luck.

Dear axel,

The Idea I want to make compare between LAMMPS and DFT ,for example I got force constant by lammps and force constant by DFT (siesta). my job is which one more accuracy , I think it is difficult to use DFT in fix phonon

If you have any other idea help me



Dear axel,

The Idea I want to make compare between LAMMPS and DFT ,for example I got
force constant by lammps and force constant by DFT (siesta). my job is
which one more accuracy , I think it is difficult to use DFT in fix phonon

​you are not making much sense here. ​it is obvious that your problem is
not as such a LAMMPS problem, but seems to be more a problem of
understanding what you are doing. nobody here is likely to do your job for
you and just hand you the answer.

If you have any other idea help me

​i don't know how to help people that don't make sense to me.

Many thanks Axel,