Pip-installed ase gui emulates frozen subwindows under WSL & Ubuntu 22.04

Hello !

I have installed up-to-date ase under Windows10 WSL & Ubuntu 22.04.

The “ase gui” command bring the “live” gui window, but when I try to open a subwindow (like nanoparticles, tools etc), “ase gui” opened subwindow is always frozen.

As I found, this ase gui problem is only with pip installed ase.

With Ubuntu 22.04 LTS installed ase package the “subwindows” are alive, not frozen as those with pip-installed ase.

Any help, please ?

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for example, I want to show trajectory file, the movie and graphs windows become frozen and I get this text output:

ase gui lbfgs_Og_fcc.traj
QStandardPaths: wrong permissions on runtime directory /run/user/1000/, 0755 instead of 0700

originally posted on pip-installed ase gui emulates frozen subwindows under WSL & Ubuntu 22.04 (#1511) · Issues · ase / ase · GitLab , please follow up there