Possible a bug in using tip4p together with verlet/split (ming ma)


Is there anybody could help on this issue? Solving this problem will definitely benefit quite a few people as TIP4P/2005 is one of the most popular rigid force field model for water and using verlet/split could save a lot of time.




Is there anybody could help on this issue? Solving this problem will
definitely benefit quite a few people as TIP4P/2005 is one of the most
popular rigid force field model for water and using verlet/split could save
a lot of time.

you can get the same effect, if not better, using multi-threading.
verlet/split helps most when you are trying to scale to the extreme.



Is there anybody could help on this issue? Solving this problem will
definitely benefit quite a few people as TIP4P/2005 is one of the most
popular rigid force field model for water and using verlet/split could save
a lot of time.

besides, you posted your request last friday, which is not a lot of
time. somebody *will* look into this (nobody likes to have a software
with known problems that seem fixable), but since nobody here gets
paid to support LAMMPS users, you have to accept that:

a) other people may have different priorities than you
b) you are not entitled to get your problem resolved right away. you
are still getting infinitely more than what you paid for it.
c) if you need this fixed so much, you can always do it yourself or
compel/hire somebody to do it for you
