hello everyone,

i’m having some problem to calculate the pressure of a group of liquid-vapor. The calculated pressure seems to be high than what it should be. I’m using the following to calculate the pressure. Here i am calculating the diagonal components.

compute S L_V stress/atom mytemp
compute pLV L_V reduce sum c_S[1] c_S[2] c_S[3]
variable Pres equal -(c_pLV[1]+c_pLV[2]+c_pLV[3])/(3* volume of the region)

Thanks in advance for any help.

Best regards, Som Subhra.

hello everyone,

i'm having some problem to calculate the pressure of a group of
liquid-vapor. The calculated pressure seems to be high than what it should
be. I'm using the following to calculate the pressure. Here i am calculating
the diagonal components.


compute S L_V stress/atom mytemp
compute pLV L_V reduce sum c_S[1] c_S[2] c_S[3]
variable Pres equal -(c_pLV[1]+c_pLV[2]+c_pLV[3])/(3* volume of the region)


Thanks in advance for any help.

help with what? and on what grounds? there is nothing here.
