Please post to the mail list, not to me.

I obtain this log message:
LAMMPS (11 Jan 2012)
ERROR: Illegal compute gyration/molecule command

In LAMMPS documentation, the evaluation gyration tensor is:
compute ID group-ID gyration/molecule keyword value ...
Gyration tensor - Wikipedia
Could you help me???

I already replied that the command works in the current
version of LAMMPS. I am guessing the reason it doesn't
for you is that you are using a version
of LAMMPS that is over a year old. And that you are looking
at doc pages that may not match the version you have.
Please download the current version, read the current doc pages,
and see if it fixes your problem. if not, then let us know.


Thanx Steve

2013/2/16 Steve Plimpton <sjplimp@…24…>