Problems in the compression process of MgZnY alloy simulated by LAMMPS? (2.7 MB)
Dear LAMMPS developers and users, I recently encountered a problem. The screenshot of the error is as follows:
variable tmp equal “lz”
variable L0 equal ${tmp}
variable L0 equal 175.266770471438
variable strain equal “(v_L0-lz)/v_L0”
variable stressz equal “pzz/10000”
variable srate equal 1.0e10
variable srate1 equal “-1*v_srate / 1.0e12”

  fix def3 all print 100 "${strain} ${stressz}" file stress-strain.dat screen no

 thermo              100
 thermo_style       custom step lx ly lz press pxx pyy pzz pe ke etotal temp vol dt time

 fix                 2 all npt temp ${T} ${T} 0.01 x 0 0 0.1 y 0 0 0.1
 fix                 2 all npt temp 293 ${T} 0.01 x 0 0 0.1 y 0 0 0.1
 fix                 2 all npt temp 293 293 0.01 x 0 0 0.1 y 0 0 0.1
 fix                 3 all deform 100 z erate ${srate1} units box remap x
 fix                 3 all deform 100 z erate -0.01 units box remap x

 dump                1 all custom 1000 ./output/deform/ id type x y z
 run                 200000
 ERROR: Final box dimension due to fix deform is < 0.0 (../fix_deform.cpp:465)
 Last command: run                 200000
 And the attachment contains all my data, hoping to get your answers!

The error is quite self-explanatory. LAMMPS refuses to do something that it can determine is unphysical. You obviously need to adjust your input accordingly.