problems with fix-phonon and phana

Dear lammps-users,

I have the following problem when install the lammps tool phana and test the examples of fix-phonon.

1. The lammps version: lammps-30Jul16
2. According to the README in tools/phonon, I have installed the clapack library and tricubic library in advance.
And the Makefile was modified accordingly. However, when I try to install phana through make. I got the following error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lm
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
I notice that my system do not have the static libary libstdc.a. So I cancel the “-static” option in Makefile.
After that, the phana can be generated successfully.
But, when I try to use phana for testing the example 3-3D-FCC-Cu-EAM, I got the error “segmentation fault”.
3. Then, I downloaded the phana version from, which is the program’s summary URL.
And this version works.
4. However, when I try to test the example 3-3D-FCC-Cu-EAM following the steps from README in the example file,
I got the wrong dispersion relation, which is different from the result given by the example itself.
The result can be found in the attachment.

Could anyone give some advice?
Thanks in advance.

disp.dat (2.42 KB)

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Author: Ling-Ti Kong, konglt(at)