Pymatgen POTCAR setup

I have successfully installed the pymatgen package and I can work with it in a Jupyter notebook and everything works. However when I try to do the POTCAR setup as described in the Installation, and I try to use the pmg command line tool, with “pmg config …” i just get the following error:

Command ‘pmg’ not found, did you mean:

command ‘mg’ from deb mg
command ‘pms’ from deb pms
command ‘pig’ from deb bsdgames
command ‘pmi’ from deb powermanagement-interface
command ‘peg’ from deb peg
command ‘vmg’ from deb vmg
command ‘pmc’ from deb linuxptp
command ‘pm’ from deb powerman
command ‘pmw’ from deb pmw

What am I doing wrong?

Hi @Aso_Nei!

You need to install pymatgen first, pip install pymatgen or similar, to be able to use the “pmg” tool.

Hope this helps,
