Query Regarding OVITO's Capability for Neighbor List-based Temperature Calculations and Atom-Type Specific Degrees of Freedom"

Dear Developer,

I am inquiring whether OVITO supports single-atom temperature calculations based on neighbor lists, similar to OVITO’s “Calculate local entropy”. The specific definition can be found in the figure provided and in Section 4.3 of this article: Redirecting. Additionally, is it possible to specify the degrees of freedom for each atom type? In some simulations, certain groups or types might be constrained (e.g., using the SHAKE algorithm), and their degrees of freedom might not be the default value of 3. If not specified, can it default to 3 degrees of freedom?

Thank you!

We are particularly interested in using this feature, as it would allow us to handle local temperatures for any region, and we would only need to save velocities from LAMMPS (and perhaps not only from it).

Hi there,

Yes, that could be realized with a Python script modifier. I agree, that the “Calculate local entropy” modifier you mentioned can serve as a good starting point for your own implementation.

Please understand that we’re here to help with OVITO-related inquiries, but that developing custom solutions is not part of the free Python module offering. If you have an active OVITO Pro subscription, please directly reach out to support via email.

Dear kalcher,
Thank you for your detailed reply. Regarding the calculation of local entropy, I would like to help me some questions. I am trying to use the script below to perform a multi-dimensional (1D, 2D) calculation of the local entropy of a certain atom type in a certain area. In the code below, I don’t know how to create the property ‘Entropy’ on the SpatialBinningModifier to achieve this goal. Any help is greatly appreciated. Also I know I’m calling ‘Entropy’ without defining it in my script, which is an obvious mistake. Do you have any suggestions for this?

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Created on Wed Nov 16 10:46:40 2022
@author: ms

import numpy as np
from ovito.data import CutoffNeighborFinder, DataCollection
from ovito.io import import_file
from ovito.modifiers import SpatialBinningModifier,ExpressionSelectionModifier,ComputePropertyModifier
import pandas as pd
import time

def compute_local_entropy(frame: int, data: DataCollection, cutoff=5.0, sigma=0.2, use_local_density=True, compute_average=True, average_cutoff=5.0):
assert(cutoff > 0.0)
assert(sigma > 0.0 and sigma < cutoff)
assert(average_cutoff > 0)

global_rho = data.particles.count / data.cell.volume
finder = CutoffNeighborFinder(cutoff, data)
local_entropy = np.empty(data.particles.count)
nbins = int(cutoff / sigma) + 1
r = np.linspace(0.0, cutoff, num=nbins)
rsq = r**2
prefactor = rsq * (4 * np.pi * global_rho * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma**2))
prefactor[0] = prefactor[1]

for particle_index in range(data.particles.count):
    r_ij = finder.neighbor_distances(particle_index)
    r_diff = np.expand_dims(r, 0) - np.expand_dims(r_ij, 1)
    g_m = np.sum(np.exp(-r_diff**2 / (2.0*sigma**2)), axis=0) / prefactor
    if use_local_density:
        local_volume = 4/3 * np.pi * cutoff**3
        rho = len(r_ij) / local_volume
        g_m *= global_rho / rho
        rho = global_rho

    integrand = np.where(g_m >= 1e-10, (g_m * np.log(g_m) - g_m + 1.0) * rsq, rsq)
    local_entropy[particle_index] = -2.0 * np.pi * rho * np.trapz(integrand, r)

data.particles_.create_property('Entropy', data=local_entropy)

if compute_average:
        output_property = 'Entropy',
        operate_on = 'particles',
        cutoff_radius = average_cutoff,
        expressions = ['Entropy / (NumNeighbors + 1)'],
        neighbor_expressions = ['Entropy / (NumNeighbors + 1)']))

start = time.perf_counter()
binx = 81
binz = 1
pipeline = import_file(“./mydump-nve.lammpstrj”, multiple_frames=True)
print(“Number of MD frames:”, pipeline.source.num_frames)

pipeline.modifiers.append(ExpressionSelectionModifier(expression=‘Position.Y >0 && Position.Y <=3 && ParticleType !=1 && ParticleType !=2 && ParticleType !=3’))

Prepare a spatial binning modifier but do not append it to the pipeline yet

binning_modifier = SpatialBinningModifier(
bin_count=(binx, binz),

mean = np.zeros((binx, binz))
num_frames = pipeline.source.num_frames
half_frames = int(num_frames * 0.5)

for frame in range(half_frames, num_frames):
data = pipeline.compute(frame)
compute_local_entropy(frame, data)

# Apply the binning modifier locally
grid = np.array(data.grids["binning"]["Entropy"]).reshape((binx, binz))
mean += grid

mean /= (num_frames - half_frames)

end = time.perf_counter()
print('Running time of CPU: s Seconds' (end - start))

mydump-nve.lammpstrj (888.9 KB)

Similar to the way you build your modification pipeline within the desktop application, it’s essential to ensure that you add all modifiers to your modification pipeline in your automation script - just as you did with the ExpressionSelectionModifier. Moreover, the order in which modifiers are added to the pipeline matters.

For an in-depth explanation regarding why the particle property Entropy which is computed within the compute_local_entropy() function, is not made part of the downstream pipeline when working with a copy of the pipeline’s internal data, please refer to the second ‘Attention’ box in the Python reference for the Pipeline class. You can find this information at: ovito.pipeline — OVITO Python Reference 3.9.2 documentation

Again, if you find yourself in need of more detailed assistance in resolving issues in your script, don’t hesitate to reach out to Pro support.