question about fix ave/correlate


I am a little bit confused about the difference between Nrepeat and Nfreq. Say I have used 1000 time steps in my simulation and I set Nevery = 10. It means that my input value will be sample at each 10 time steps. I want to calculate correlation function every 100 steps. Does it mean that I have to choose Nreperat = 100? If yes, then what value I should choose for Nfreq?




I am a little bit confused about the difference between Nrepeat and Nfreq.
Say I have used 1000 time steps in my simulation and I set Nevery = 10. It
means that my input value will be sample at each 10 time steps. I want to
calculate correlation function every 100 steps. Does it mean that I have to
choose Nreperat = 100?

no. nrepeat can be maximally 10. nfreq would be 100.

please re-read the docs a few times. there are examples given.
