Question about mixed pair_coeff terms from sixthpower mixing rule in PCFF


After I set the coefficients of atomic pairs (I = J) at input file, why does it show that it does not generate coefficients between atoms of different types (I != J) after running? The force field I use is PCFF, the pair_style is lj/class2/coul/long, and the mixing rule uses sixthpower.

Generated 0 of 21 mixed pair_coeff terms from sixthpower mixing rule
Setting up Verlet run …

And when I change lj/class2/coul/long to lj/cut/coul/long, it can be generated. Why? I haven’t even changed the pair coefficients, only the pair style.

Generated 21 of 21 mixed pair_coeff terms from sixthpower mixing rule
Setting up Verlet run …


LAMMPS generates the missing cross parameters based on a mixing rule (by default, its geometric). If all cross parameters are specified explicitly, LAMMPS does not generate any.


Dear Simon, thanks for your reply, but I didn’t specify any cross parameters. What makes me wonder most is why LAMMPS can generate parameters normally when I only change the pair_style without changing other parameters. Why lj/cut/coul/long can generate successfully, but lj/class2/coul/long can not.

Then I suppose this is due to this particularity of class2 potential :

If the pair_coeff command is not used to define coefficients for a particular I != J type pair, the mixing rule for and for all class2 potentials is to use the sixthpower formulas documented by the pair_modify command. The pair_modify mix setting is thus ignored for class2 potentials for epsilon and sigma. However it is still followed for mixing the cutoff distance.

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This is an important point. Because the class2 styles bypass the usual mixing procedure, the reported diagnostic message is not correct. This will be corrected in a future LAMMPS release.

You can always verify the results of mixing by using the write_coeffs command and check the generated file.

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Dear Akohlmey, thanks for your reply. The pair_style I used is hybrid, and it seems that the write_coeff command cannot output pair_coeff when hybrid. So you mean that for the class2 style, even if the reported diagnostic message is incorrect, the parameters have already been mixed correctly, right?


Please set up a minimal test input without hybrid and only class2 and you should see.

Please also note that when using a hybrid pair style mixing can be restricted and sometimes not what you expect. Thus it would be safer to take the output from your test with explicit I,J pair_coeff settings and adapt it for hybrid and include this in your input rather than depending on the mixing.

It helps me a lot, thank you very much!

Best wishes!!!