Rebuild lammps


I’ve been trying to rebuild lammps after I add some packages using the traditional “make” command. What I did is “make clean-machine” before I “make serial” (it’s all done in the src directory). But what I got is always the same error, listed in the figure. Did I miss something and what’s the solution to this? I’m using Ubuntu 18.04. Thank you!




What were your exact steps (and what packages are you installing)? What version of LAMMPS are you trying to compile?



This error means something went wrong, and you only show the final 3 lines. I’m quite sure that you find more exact information above those three lines, and they typically contain the word Error.

Can you show the full output from your command until those lines?



This is my complete process and output. Sorry for the stupid question, I’m a beginner in the software. Thanks in advance!


Screenshot from 2020-05-10 14-24-04.jpg


This is my complete process and output. Sorry for the stupid question, I’m a beginner in the software. Thanks in advance!

as you are a beginner, it is imperative that you pay closer attention to the output to the screen and also read up on the details in the documentation. as can be seen from the screen shot, the original problem is due to having enabled the QUIP package without configuring the necessary library settings. i would recommend to do a “make no-all” and then enable only those packages that you want to use and first check in the LAMMPS manual about packages that require compilation or configuration of a library in the corresponding lib folder, as that has to be done first.

as a beginner, please consider building LAMMPS through the CMake procedure. It can do checks during the configuration step and thus can prevent you from enabling packages for which you don’t have the prerequisites available, while also enabling features that can be auto detected (e.g. support for FFT, MPI, OpenMP, or image libraries). Also in the CMake process, there is only one compilation step, the building/configuring of libraries in the lib folder is integrated into the compilation process.


Screenshot from 2020-05-10 14-24-04.jpg


Successfully resolved the problem. Thank you!

Screenshot from 2020-05-10 14-24-04.jpg
