đź”´ Red popup in nomad-oasis web app

Hi!, I’ve got Nomad-Oasis Docker images up and running,

and I can log in to the Nomad server just fine. But when I try to use the main features—like PUBLISH → Uploads or PUBLISH → Datasets—I get a red error popup, and the page is stuck on “loading…” (see screenshots below).

I’ve only made a few minimal changes to my YAML and config files, and those worked on my Ubuntu setup. This issue is happening on RHEL. Has anyone run into that red popup before or have any tips on where I should start troubleshooting?

Hi @sherin!

That popup in indicating that an API call was made that resulted in a HTTP 404 code. But it is not immediately clear why this happens.

The API calls that the GUI makes should go into the nomad_oasis_app service. Maybe you can start by looking at the logs of that service (docker logs nomad_oasis_app). If you want to see the logs “live” from all services, you can also start docker without the -d flag (docker compose up). When you use the GUI to load e.g. the PUBLISH → Uploads page, this should trigger an API call and a log entry in the nomad_oasis_app service that we can use to further investigate the problem.

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Hi Lauri!! @laurih
Your inputs were very useful!! Thanks alot!
I saw some connectivity related errors as shown below:

nomad_oasis_app       |     |   File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/keycloak/connection.py", line 247, in raw_get
nomad_oasis_app       |     |     raise KeycloakConnectionError("Can't connect to server (%s)" % e)
nomad_oasis_app       |     | keycloak.exceptions.KeycloakConnectionError: Can't connect to server (HTTPSConnectionPool(host='nomad-lab.eu', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /fairdi/keycloak/auth/realms/fairdi_nomad_prod/protocol/openid-connect/certs (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fa34be42b40>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable')))

Mostly it was because I was using a VM controlled by my employer. They enforce NAT64 for all outbound internet traffic. According to our local IT, IPv4 only containers won’t work for internet access.

Do you think it is okay to install nomad-oasis without the docker for production use? I mean, just a base linux (without docker) installation. I never tried it because docker solution was something simple and easy to do. :slight_smile: With a base linux installation, I hope that I will not get into this IPv4 problem. It would be great if you can comment on this. Thanks in advance!! :slight_smile:

Hi @Sherin!

Sorry for the late reply. It is possible to install the whole NOMAD stack directly in Linux, but this requires much more know-how and time. It is not a type of installation we officially support or document, but can be done.

I would strongly advise at looking for ways to somehow route the traffic from the containers so that it is compatible with your IT department rules. Maybe you can either look at configuring docker to use IPv6 by default (maybe ask your IT department if they control the docker installation and require IPv6), or configure a proxy that acts as a bridge between the IPv4 traffic from docker and translates it into IPv6.

If you really do want to try and install the software directly on linux, you should be able to basically take the different services from our docker-compose.yaml file and install+run them separately on a linux machine. The basic services you need are elastic, mongo, worker and app. You can look at our Dockerfile to see more about how the worker and app service use our main image.

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thanks for your inputs! :slight_smile: