Regarding rdf from VMD extensions+lammps

Dear All,

When I load files in xyz and dcd formats in vmd to generate plot of rdf it is showing line on the x-axis only.

I tried first uploading with psf file then dcd file even then it is showing the line on xaxis.

kindly suggest what may be the reason.

Thanks and Regards

Dear All,

When I load files in xyz and dcd formats in vmd to generate plot of rdf it
is showing line on the x-axis only.

please note, this is a VMD question and not a LAMMPS question and thus
should be posted to the VMD mailing list.

I tried first uploading with psf file then dcd file even then it is showing
the line on xaxis.

kindly suggest what may be the reason.

impossible to say with so little information. probably, you didn't do
the RDF calculation correctly