Reminder: new patch release 15 April 2020 needs updates to custom makefiles

Hi everybody,

we just published a new LAMMPS patch, release 15 April 20202 on GitHub (it will hopefully make it to soon, too).

As part of a larger project to simplify compilation and installation, and making the process more consistent across platforms and with the CMake procedure, there are changes to all makefiles needed for the conventional build procedure. All makefiles in the distribution have been updated, but - naturally - not your own customized ones. So if you follow the unstable branch or download source archives from the GitHub release page, you will have to adapt any customized makefiles accordingly or compilation will fail at the final linking step. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but we hope that this will be for the better in the longer term.

Perhaps, you may also take this opportunity to try compiling using the CMake configuration tool. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Christoph Junghans, the CMake procedure has been modernized, similarly simplified. We also tried to improve the documentation (more to come) and a cmake tutorial howto was added (based on a previous document by Richard Berger).

If you see anything that is broken beyond this or documented incorrectly or inconsistently, please respond with details to this e-mail or submit an issue at the issue tracker on github.

We are very excited that we can now take advantage of the improved process of building and deploying LAMMPS and writing and building the documentation.

Stay safe everybody and enjoy your daily LAMMPS,