Restart Command leading to Bad Dynamics

Dear Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer and LAMMPS Users,

Hello Dr. Kohlmeyer. Thank you for your advice. I am sure that the restart issue is not due to the first run where I have fix langevin and fix press/berendsen since this initial run is meant to relax the simulation box. Nevertheless, this is a short run (and LAMMPS does not print any WARNING messages) and not part of the actual dynamics of the simulation and the first restart file is printed during the second run where the actual deformation is applied.

My original simulation works fine, but in my restart simulation which reads the restart file from a selected restart file, the LAMMPS terminates due to bad dynamics (FENE Bond too long). (I even eliminated the first run where I have two fixes, but it did not change anything regarding bad dynamics.)

I am not sure why the restart simulation can not replicate the original simulation, when in fact the original simulation works fine. I am confident that I am using the restart command correctly and all of the required commands are reiterated after the read_restart command.

Therefore, I would greatly appreciate if I could request for any suggestions for the bad dynamics due to the restart command. Thank you so much for your time and effort.

In case, I have displayed a portion of my original and restart scripts.


Masato Koizumi

Original Script:

units lj
atom_style full
neighbor 0.36 bin
neigh_modify delay 2
pair_style lj/cut 2.5
bond_style hybrid harmonic fene
special_bonds lj 0.0 1.0 1.0
read_data 0.043898_FJC_Single_HET_Strand_Length_4_Harmonic_Force_Probe
pair_coeff * * 1.0 1.0 2.5
bond_coeff 1*2 fene 30.0 1.5 1.0 1.0
bond_coeff 3 harmonic 1000.0 1.20
pair_modify shift yes
timestep 0.010

reset_timestep 0

fix 1 all langevin 1.0 1.0 2.0 542305
fix 2 all press/berendsen iso 0.0 0.0 10.0
fix 3 all nve
thermo 1000
thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal epair pxx pyy pzz lx ly lz
run 100000
unfix 2

Store final simulation box length for strain calculation

variable tmp equal “lx”
variable L0 equal {tmp} print "Initial Length, L0: {L0}"

Perform Deformation

reset_timestep 0
fix 4 all deform 1 x variable v_displace v_rate y volume z volume remap v
compute p all pressure thermo_temp
fix 5 all ave/time 4 25 100 c_p[1] c_p[2] c_p[3] c_p[4] c_p[5] c_p[6] file press.1
dump 1 all custom 100000 *_Monomer_Coordinates id type x y z ix iy iz
restart 1000000 *_Strain_Rate_Periodic_200K.restart
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000

Restart Script:

units lj
atom_style full
read_restart 2000000_Strain_Rate_Periodic_200K.restart
neighbor 0.36 bin
neigh_modify delay 2
pair_style lj/cut 2.5
bond_style hybrid harmonic fene
special_bonds lj 0.0 1.0 1.0
pair_coeff * * 1.0 1.0 2.5
bond_coeff 1*2 fene 30.0 1.5 1.0 1.0
bond_coeff 3 harmonic 1000.0 1.20
pair_modify shift yes
timestep 0.010
fix 1 all langevin 1.0 1.0 2.0 542305
fix 3 all nve
thermo 1000
thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal epair pxx pyy pzz lx ly lz

Respecify the previous simulation box length for strain calculation

variable L0 equal 14.136564
print “Initial Length, L0: ${L0}”

Resume Deformation

fix 4 all deform 1 x variable v_displace v_rate y volume z volume remap v
dump 1 all custom 100000 *_Monomer_Coordinates id type x y z ix iy iz
restart 1000000 *_Strain_Rate_Periodic_200K.restart
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000
run 1000000 start 0 stop 10000000

Dear Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer and LAMMPS Users,

Hello All. I was curious if I could ask for the possible reasons that lead to bad molecular dynamics (i.e FENE bond too long) when I restart a simulation during the middle of the run. Without the restart, I do not encounter any problems.

I am defining my own equation in LAMMPS that simulates how the box deforms using fix deform with v_displace v_rate. Are there specific equations that define the box deformation which the restart command have issues?

I was reading the documentation and it seems that the restart command could replicate the original trajectories of the atoms though there will be some deviation due to remapping issues or the number of processor usage but not leading to bad dynamics. I would greatly appreciate for any advice or suggestions. Thank you in advance.


Masato Koizumi

Fix deform can be used in many modes. As its doc page explains, it stores

the original box in the restart file. However it is up to you to specify

a new fix deform command in you post-restart script to insure that

the actual box deformation is continuous wrt the original run. If you

do this incorrectly, you could easily get bad dynamics and the issue

you are seeing. I suggest you output the box shape/size every timestep

before and after the restart and verity that the values are what you expect.
