RROR: Neighbor page size must be >= 10x the one atom setting (src/neighbor.cpp:255)

Dear all,
I am trying to create to an amorphous alumina (Al2O3).
I have this error:
RROR: Neighbor page size must be >= 10x the one atom setting (src/neighbor.cpp:255)
Could you please tell me how to fix it?
How to determine n1 and n2?
My input:

units metal
atom_style atomic

read_data Al2O3_Orthognonal_360.data
replicate 2 2 2
velocity all create 5000 87287

pair_style eam/alloy
pair_coeff * * AlO.eam.alloy Al O

neighbor 2.0 bin
neigh_modify every 1 delay 0 check yes one 1000 page 2000

fix 1 all nvt temp 5000 5000 0.1
fix 2 all deform 1 x final 0 15.70866 y final 0 14.29263 z final 0 18.1387987 units box
thermo 50
thermo_style custom step cpu temp press ke pe etotal vol
thermo_modify lost ignore
dump 1 all atom 1000 dump.lammpstrj
run 500000

unfix 2
unfix 1
fix 1 all nvt temp 5000 3000 0.1
run 500000

unfix 1
fix 1 all nvt temp 3000 3000 0.1
fix 2 all deform 1 x final 0 14.280600 y final 0 12.993300 z final 0 16.489817 units box
run 500000

unfix 1
unfix 2
fix 1 all nvt temp 3000 3000 0.1
run 500000

unfix 1
fix 1 all nvt temp 3000 300 0.1
run 1000000
undump 1

unfix 1
fix 1 all nvt temp 300 300 0.1
dump 1 all atom 1000 dump2.lammpstrj
thermo_style custom step temp density cpu
run 1000000

write_data new_data.txt

The error message tells you. You have 2x but it should be at least 10x.

But then again for your kind of system the defaults should work unless your data file is incorrect.

I tried to use this:
neigh_modify every 1 delay 0 check yes one 1000 page 10000

But I have this error
ERROR on proc 12: Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one (src/npair_half_bin_atomonly_newton.cpp:111)

my data file is:

LAMMPS data file created from VNL: Compatible with atom_style atomic.

360  atoms
  2  atom types

0.000000 14.280600 xlo xhi
0.000000 12.993300 ylo yhi
0.000000 16.489817 zlo zhi


1 15.999400 # O
2 26.981500 # Al

Atoms # atomic

  1    1   3.108982  0.838155  0.111691
  2    1   7.869182  0.838155  0.111691
  3    1   12.629382  0.838155  0.111691
  4    1   1.651218  7.334805  0.111691
  5    1   6.411418  7.334805  0.111691
  6    1   11.171618  7.334805  0.111691
  7    1   0.728882  5.169254  1.262460
  8    1   5.489082  5.169254  1.262460
  9    1   10.249282  5.169254  1.262460
 10    1   4.031318  11.665904  1.262460
 11    1   8.791518  11.665904  1.262460
 12    1   13.551718  11.665904  1.262460
 13    1   0.922336  0.838155  1.374151
 14    1   5.682536  0.838155  1.374151
 15    1   10.442736  0.838155  1.374151
 16    2   2.380100  2.165550  1.374151
 17    2   7.140300  2.165550  1.374151
 18    2   11.900500  2.165550  1.374151
 19    2   2.380100  6.007409  1.374151
 20    2   7.140300  6.007409  1.374151
 21    2   11.900500  6.007409  1.374151
 22    1   3.837864  7.334805  1.374151
 23    1   8.598064  7.334805  1.374151
 24    1   13.358264  7.334805  1.374151
 25    2   2.380100  8.662200  1.374151
 26    2   7.140300  8.662200  1.374151
 27    2   11.900500  8.662200  1.374151
 28    2   2.380100  12.504059  1.374151
 29    2   7.140300  12.504059  1.374151
 30    2   11.900500  12.504059  1.374151
 31    1   4.031318  3.003704  1.485842
 32    1   8.791518  3.003704  1.485842
 33    1   13.551718  3.003704  1.485842
 34    1   0.728882  9.500354  1.485842
 35    1   5.489082  9.500354  1.485842
 36    1   10.249282  9.500354  1.485842
 37    1   3.108982  0.838155  2.636612
 38    1   7.869182  0.838155  2.636612
 39    1   12.629382  0.838155  2.636612
 40    1   1.651218  7.334805  2.636612
 41    1   6.411418  7.334805  2.636612
 42    1   11.171618  7.334805  2.636612
 43    2   -0.000000  1.676309  2.748303
 44    2   4.760200  1.676309  2.748303
 45    2   9.520400  1.676309  2.748303
 46    1   1.457764  3.003704  2.748303
 47    1   6.217964  3.003704  2.748303
 48    1   10.978164  3.003704  2.748303
 49    2   -0.000000  4.331100  2.748303
 50    2   4.760200  4.331100  2.748303
 51    2   9.520400  4.331100  2.748303
 52    2   -0.000000  8.172959  2.748303
 53    2   4.760200  8.172959  2.748303
 54    2   9.520400  8.172959  2.748303
 55    1   3.302436  9.500354  2.748303
 56    1   8.062636  9.500354  2.748303
 57    1   12.822836  9.500354  2.748303
 58    2   -0.000000  10.827750  2.748303
 59    2   4.760200  10.827750  2.748303
 60    2   9.520400  10.827750  2.748303
 61    1   3.108982  5.169254  2.859994
 62    1   7.869182  5.169254  2.859994
 63    1   12.629382  5.169254  2.859994
 64    1   1.651218  11.665904  2.859994
 65    1   6.411418  11.665904  2.859994
 66    1   11.171618  11.665904  2.859994
 67    1   4.031318  3.003704  4.010763
 68    1   8.791518  3.003704  4.010763
 69    1   13.551718  3.003704  4.010763
 70    1   0.728882  9.500354  4.010763
 71    1   5.489082  9.500354  4.010763
 72    1   10.249282  9.500354  4.010763
 73    2   2.380100  0.000000  4.122454
 74    2   7.140300  0.000000  4.122454
 75    2   11.900500  0.000000  4.122454
 76    2   2.380100  3.841859  4.122454
 77    2   7.140300  3.841859  4.122454
 78    2   11.900500  3.841859  4.122454
 79    1   0.922336  5.169254  4.122454
 80    1   5.682536  5.169254  4.122454
 81    1   10.442736  5.169254  4.122454
 82    2   2.380100  6.496650  4.122454
 83    2   7.140300  6.496650  4.122454
 84    2   11.900500  6.496650  4.122454
 85    2   2.380100  10.338509  4.122454
 86    2   7.140300  10.338509  4.122454
 87    2   11.900500  10.338509  4.122454
 88    1   3.837864  11.665904  4.122454
 89    1   8.598064  11.665904  4.122454
 90    1   13.358264  11.665904  4.122454
 91    1   0.728882  0.838155  4.234145
 92    1   5.489082  0.838155  4.234145
 93    1   10.249282  0.838155  4.234145
 94    1   4.031318  7.334805  4.234145
 95    1   8.791518  7.334805  4.234145
 96    1   13.551718  7.334805  4.234145
 97    1   3.108982  5.169254  5.384914
 98    1   7.869182  5.169254  5.384914
 99    1   12.629382  5.169254  5.384914
100    1   1.651218  11.665904  5.384914
101    1   6.411418  11.665904  5.384914
102    1   11.171618  11.665904  5.384914
103    1   3.302436  0.838155  5.496606
104    1   8.062636  0.838155  5.496606
105    1   12.822836  0.838155  5.496606
106    2   -0.000000  2.165550  5.496606
107    2   4.760200  2.165550  5.496606
108    2   9.520400  2.165550  5.496606
109    2   -0.000000  6.007409  5.496606
110    2   4.760200  6.007409  5.496606
111    2   9.520400  6.007409  5.496606
112    1   1.457764  7.334805  5.496606
113    1   6.217964  7.334805  5.496606
114    1   10.978164  7.334805  5.496606
115    2   -0.000000  8.662200  5.496606
116    2   4.760200  8.662200  5.496606
117    2   9.520400  8.662200  5.496606
118    2   -0.000000  12.504059  5.496606
119    2   4.760200  12.504059  5.496606
120    2   9.520400  12.504059  5.496606
121    1   1.651218  3.003704  5.608297
122    1   6.411418  3.003704  5.608297
123    1   11.171618  3.003704  5.608297
124    1   3.108982  9.500354  5.608297
125    1   7.869182  9.500354  5.608297
126    1   12.629382  9.500354  5.608297
127    1   0.728882  0.838155  6.759066
128    1   5.489082  0.838155  6.759066
129    1   10.249282  0.838155  6.759066
130    1   4.031318  7.334805  6.759066
131    1   8.791518  7.334805  6.759066
132    1   13.551718  7.334805  6.759066
133    2   2.380100  1.676309  6.870757
134    2   7.140300  1.676309  6.870757
135    2   11.900500  1.676309  6.870757
136    1   3.837864  3.003704  6.870757
137    1   8.598064  3.003704  6.870757
138    1   13.358264  3.003704  6.870757
139    2   2.380100  4.331100  6.870757
140    2   7.140300  4.331100  6.870757
141    2   11.900500  4.331100  6.870757
142    2   2.380100  8.172959  6.870757
143    2   7.140300  8.172959  6.870757
144    2   11.900500  8.172959  6.870757
145    1   0.922336  9.500354  6.870757
146    1   5.682536  9.500354  6.870757
147    1   10.442736  9.500354  6.870757
148    2   2.380100  10.827750  6.870757
149    2   7.140300  10.827750  6.870757
150    2   11.900500  10.827750  6.870757
151    1   0.728882  5.169254  6.982448
152    1   5.489082  5.169254  6.982448
153    1   10.249282  5.169254  6.982448
154    1   4.031318  11.665904  6.982448
155    1   8.791518  11.665904  6.982448
156    1   13.551718  11.665904  6.982448
157    1   1.651218  3.003704  8.133217
158    1   6.411418  3.003704  8.133217
159    1   11.171618  3.003704  8.133217
160    1   3.108982  9.500354  8.133217
161    1   7.869182  9.500354  8.133217
162    1   12.629382  9.500354  8.133217
163    2   -0.000000  -0.000000  8.244908
164    2   4.760200  0.000000  8.244908
165    2   9.520400  0.000000  8.244908
166    2   -0.000000  3.841859  8.244908
167    2   4.760200  3.841859  8.244908
168    2   9.520400  3.841859  8.244908
169    1   3.302436  5.169254  8.244908
170    1   8.062636  5.169254  8.244908
171    1   12.822836  5.169254  8.244908
172    2   -0.000000  6.496650  8.244908
173    2   4.760200  6.496650  8.244908
174    2   9.520400  6.496650  8.244908
175    2   -0.000000  10.338509  8.244908
176    2   4.760200  10.338509  8.244908
177    2   9.520400  10.338509  8.244908
178    1   1.457764  11.665904  8.244908
179    1   6.217964  11.665904  8.244908
180    1   10.978164  11.665904  8.244908
181    1   3.108982  0.838155  8.356599
182    1   7.869182  0.838155  8.356599
183    1   12.629382  0.838155  8.356599
184    1   1.651218  7.334805  8.356599
185    1   6.411418  7.334805  8.356599
186    1   11.171618  7.334805  8.356599
187    1   0.728882  5.169254  9.507369
188    1   5.489082  5.169254  9.507369
189    1   10.249282  5.169254  9.507369
190    1   4.031318  11.665904  9.507369
191    1   8.791518  11.665904  9.507369
192    1   13.551718  11.665904  9.507369
193    1   0.922336  0.838155  9.619060
194    1   5.682536  0.838155  9.619060
195    1   10.442736  0.838155  9.619060
196    2   2.380100  2.165550  9.619060
197    2   7.140300  2.165550  9.619060
198    2   11.900500  2.165550  9.619060
199    2   2.380100  6.007409  9.619060
200    2   7.140300  6.007409  9.619060
201    2   11.900500  6.007409  9.619060
202    1   3.837864  7.334805  9.619060
203    1   8.598064  7.334805  9.619060
204    1   13.358264  7.334805  9.619060
205    2   2.380100  8.662200  9.619060
206    2   7.140300  8.662200  9.619060
207    2   11.900500  8.662200  9.619060
208    2   2.380100  12.504059  9.619060
209    2   7.140300  12.504059  9.619060
210    2   11.900500  12.504059  9.619060
211    1   4.031318  3.003704  9.730751
212    1   8.791518  3.003704  9.730751
213    1   13.551718  3.003704  9.730751
214    1   0.728882  9.500354  9.730751
215    1   5.489082  9.500354  9.730751
216    1   10.249282  9.500354  9.730751
217    1   3.108982  0.838155  10.881520
218    1   7.869182  0.838155  10.881520
219    1   12.629382  0.838155  10.881520
220    1   1.651218  7.334805  10.881520
221    1   6.411418  7.334805  10.881520
222    1   11.171618  7.334805  10.881520
223    2   -0.000000  1.676309  10.993211
224    2   4.760200  1.676309  10.993211
225    2   9.520400  1.676309  10.993211
226    1   1.457764  3.003704  10.993211
227    1   6.217964  3.003704  10.993211
228    1   10.978164  3.003704  10.993211
229    2   -0.000000  4.331100  10.993211
230    2   4.760200  4.331100  10.993211
231    2   9.520400  4.331100  10.993211
232    2   -0.000000  8.172959  10.993211
233    2   4.760200  8.172959  10.993211
234    2   9.520400  8.172959  10.993211
235    1   3.302436  9.500354  10.993211
236    1   8.062636  9.500354  10.993211
237    1   12.822836  9.500354  10.993211
238    2   -0.000000  10.827750  10.993211
239    2   4.760200  10.827750  10.993211
240    2   9.520400  10.827750  10.993211
241    1   3.108982  5.169254  11.104902
242    1   7.869182  5.169254  11.104902
243    1   12.629382  5.169254  11.104902
244    1   1.651218  11.665904  11.104902
245    1   6.411418  11.665904  11.104902
246    1   11.171618  11.665904  11.104902
247    1   4.031318  3.003704  12.255671
248    1   8.791518  3.003704  12.255671
249    1   13.551718  3.003704  12.255671
250    1   0.728882  9.500354  12.255671
251    1   5.489082  9.500354  12.255671
252    1   10.249282  9.500354  12.255671
253    2   2.380100  0.000000  12.367362
254    2   7.140300  0.000000  12.367362
255    2   11.900500  0.000000  12.367362
256    2   2.380100  3.841859  12.367362
257    2   7.140300  3.841859  12.367362
258    2   11.900500  3.841859  12.367362
259    1   0.922336  5.169254  12.367362
260    1   5.682536  5.169254  12.367362
261    1   10.442736  5.169254  12.367362
262    2   2.380100  6.496650  12.367362
263    2   7.140300  6.496650  12.367362
264    2   11.900500  6.496650  12.367362
265    2   2.380100  10.338509  12.367362
266    2   7.140300  10.338509  12.367362
267    2   11.900500  10.338509  12.367362
268    1   3.837864  11.665904  12.367362
269    1   8.598064  11.665904  12.367362
270    1   13.358264  11.665904  12.367362
271    1   0.728882  0.838155  12.479053
272    1   5.489082  0.838155  12.479053
273    1   10.249282  0.838155  12.479053
274    1   4.031318  7.334805  12.479053
275    1   8.791518  7.334805  12.479053
276    1   13.551718  7.334805  12.479053
277    1   3.108982  5.169254  13.629823
278    1   7.869182  5.169254  13.629823
279    1   12.629382  5.169254  13.629823
280    1   1.651218  11.665904  13.629823
281    1   6.411418  11.665904  13.629823
282    1   11.171618  11.665904  13.629823
283    1   3.302436  0.838155  13.741514
284    1   8.062636  0.838155  13.741514
285    1   12.822836  0.838155  13.741514
286    2   -0.000000  2.165550  13.741514
287    2   4.760200  2.165550  13.741514
288    2   9.520400  2.165550  13.741514
289    2   -0.000000  6.007409  13.741514
290    2   4.760200  6.007409  13.741514
291    2   9.520400  6.007409  13.741514
292    1   1.457764  7.334805  13.741514
293    1   6.217964  7.334805  13.741514
294    1   10.978164  7.334805  13.741514
295    2   -0.000000  8.662200  13.741514
296    2   4.760200  8.662200  13.741514
297    2   9.520400  8.662200  13.741514
298    2   -0.000000  12.504059  13.741514
299    2   4.760200  12.504059  13.741514
300    2   9.520400  12.504059  13.741514
301    1   1.651218  3.003704  13.853205
302    1   6.411418  3.003704  13.853205
303    1   11.171618  3.003704  13.853205
304    1   3.108982  9.500354  13.853205
305    1   7.869182  9.500354  13.853205
306    1   12.629382  9.500354  13.853205
307    1   0.728882  0.838155  15.003974
308    1   5.489082  0.838155  15.003974
309    1   10.249282  0.838155  15.003974
310    1   4.031318  7.334805  15.003974
311    1   8.791518  7.334805  15.003974
312    1   13.551718  7.334805  15.003974
313    2   2.380100  1.676309  15.115665
314    2   7.140300  1.676309  15.115665
315    2   11.900500  1.676309  15.115665
316    1   3.837864  3.003704  15.115665
317    1   8.598064  3.003704  15.115665
318    1   13.358264  3.003704  15.115665
319    2   2.380100  4.331100  15.115665
320    2   7.140300  4.331100  15.115665
321    2   11.900500  4.331100  15.115665
322    2   2.380100  8.172959  15.115665
323    2   7.140300  8.172959  15.115665
324    2   11.900500  8.172959  15.115665
325    1   0.922336  9.500354  15.115665
326    1   5.682536  9.500354  15.115665
327    1   10.442736  9.500354  15.115665
328    2   2.380100  10.827750  15.115665
329    2   7.140300  10.827750  15.115665
330    2   11.900500  10.827750  15.115665
331    1   0.728882  5.169254  15.227356
332    1   5.489082  5.169254  15.227356
333    1   10.249282  5.169254  15.227356
334    1   4.031318  11.665904  15.227356
335    1   8.791518  11.665904  15.227356
336    1   13.551718  11.665904  15.227356
337    1   1.651218  3.003704  16.378125
338    1   6.411418  3.003704  16.378125
339    1   11.171618  3.003704  16.378125
340    1   3.108982  9.500354  16.378125
341    1   7.869182  9.500354  16.378125
342    1   12.629382  9.500354  16.378125
343    2   -0.000000  -0.000000  16.489817
344    2   4.760200  0.000000  16.489817
345    2   9.520400  0.000000  16.489817
346    2   -0.000000  3.841859  16.489817
347    2   4.760200  3.841859  16.489817
348    2   9.520400  3.841859  16.489817
349    1   3.302436  5.169254  16.489817
350    1   8.062636  5.169254  16.489817
351    1   12.822836  5.169254  16.489817
352    2   -0.000000  6.496650  16.489817
353    2   4.760200  6.496650  16.489817
354    2   9.520400  6.496650  16.489817
355    2   -0.000000  10.338509  16.489817
356    2   4.760200  10.338509  16.489817
357    2   9.520400  10.338509  16.489817
358    1   1.457764  11.665904  16.489817
359    1   6.217964  11.665904  16.489817
360    1   10.978164  11.665904  16.489817

Visualize your trajectory. What does it look like?
What is your thermo output.

The neighborlist overflow is only the symptom, the cause is more likely a bad geometry or bad potential parameters which cause the system to collapse.

FYI, I just took your data file and make a quick check with the Streitz-Mintmire potential for alumina bundled with LAMMPS and I don’t see any neighborlist overflows. The simulation cell is a little to small for this potential, but otherwise it looks fine, so I suspect that your pair style settings / potential parameters are bad.

Many thanks for looking at my data file.
May I ask you please tell me how to change them?

No change to the data file was needed.

Have you checked the potential file you are using.
Is it suitable for Al2O3? without any coulomb interactions?
Have you looked up the reference publication?

I am learning lammps and trying to find the best potential for Al2O3 in other literature or reports.
May I ask you how to check coulomb interaction?

What potential to use for your simulations and how to use LAMMPS are two very different issues.
For the former you have to study text books and the literature (and discuss with your adviser/supervisor/tutor). I (and most other people here) don’t have the time to train you in doing research. That is what advisers are for (and usually also get paid for).

I can assist with the technical issues of running LAMMPS and particular problems that are specific to LAMMPS. That said, it makes no sense to run any simulations on Al2O3 unless you have a better understanding for what to choose and where to get the parameters. Since oxides are generally more difficult to do, I suggest you do your learning of LAMMPS with a simpler system. The classic example is liquid argon with a Lennard-Jones potential. Then you can “graduate” to checking out metals or crystal/amorphous silicon with a manybody potential and testing the simulation protocols for your real research topic. Starting all of this directly without gradually building your skills is a going to be an exercise in frustration and failures. …and most importantly, this should all be done with the guidance and oversight of a suitably competent adviser/tutor. Trying to teach these skill on your own is a recipe for failure. Only true a genius can master this, and there are not many around (I am most certainly not one of them, I learned MD exactly as I described from my adviser in person).