Running a MD step using ASE, when passing forces in directly using extended xyz format

Hi, I’m trying to run a single point step using the ASE molecular dynamics calculator ‘Langevin dynamics’, I want to pass in the force and energy to the atoms object prior to the calculation using extended xyz format. The code I’m using to run this is:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
#testing code to run a single point md trajectory using ase
from import write, read
from extxyz import read, iread, write, ExtXYZTrajectoryWriter
from import VelocityVerlet
import ase.units as units
from import Langevin
from ase import Atoms

atoms ='')
#ase MD
dyn = Langevin(atoms, timestep=0.5 * units.fs,friction=0.001, temperature_K=300.0, append_trajectory='true', trajectory='md.traj', logfile='md.log')  # take 1 steps

I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/575/sb5361/aselammpstest/commandlmp/asemdtest/test/./", line 17, in <module>  # take 1 steps
  File "/home/575/sb5361/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ase/md/", line 137, in run
  File "/home/575/sb5361/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ase/optimize/", line 156, in run
    for converged in Dynamics.irun(self):
  File "/home/575/sb5361/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ase/optimize/", line 135, in irun
  File "/home/575/sb5361/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ase/md/", line 171, in step
    forces = atoms.get_forces(md=True)
  File "/home/575/sb5361/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ase/", line 788, in get_forces
    forces = self._calc.get_forces(self)
  File "/home/575/sb5361/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ase/calculators/", line 23, in get_forces
    return self.get_property('forces', atoms)
  File "/home/575/sb5361/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ase/calculators/", line 46, in get_property
    raise PropertyNotImplementedError(
ase.calculators.calculator.PropertyNotImplementedError: The property "forces" is not available.

For reference this is the format of my extended xyz file:

Lattice="14.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.6" Properties=species:S:1:charge:R:1:pos:R:3:forces:R:3 pbc="T T T" energy=-59661.091624332985
Na 1.0 7.83993942 10.71230898 13.36138093 -0.118310021 0.658968788 0.723592885
Cl -1.0 10.99044514 9.35112481 2.27891414 0.444130946 -0.0585057225 -1.41357435
O 0.0 9.94268299 6.93500707 6.18177058 -4.92307428 -0.61442374 -2.89964658
H 0.0 9.73431226 6.65407365 5.19911266 2.89126203 0.994593491 3.84950444
H 0.0 10.84943337 7.11118855 6.3696444 2.88858559 -0.20858934 -0.734134986
O 0.0 1.451532 2.59097658 3.35096074 -2.53525464 1.77331001 0.170883085
H 0.0 0.89633122 2.73365953 4.1413446 1.15882951 -0.818433153 0.534415809
H 0.0 0.95416921 3.22376416 2.7758606 1.77320988 -0.606616224 -0.479165294
O 0.0 13.38140995 6.76890768 7.29699437 -0.141447022 -0.776942196 0.87161687
H 0.0 12.76518976 7.20943855 7.94947946 1.20350077 -1.19892604 -0.569906632
H 0.0 13.8351859 5.951057 7.64943985 -1.33044094 1.36733397 0.581276364
O 0.0 1.14456779 7.07672639 0.11991482 2.4583902 -1.98707739 -1.01194557
H 0.0 0.63439509 6.7045337 13.99516197 -0.224952005 -0.815513355 -1.70497326
H 0.0 0.58304921 7.74996166 0.45467662 -2.44686514 2.47666994 1.50956217
O 0.0 4.4726161 7.99857473 13.40814182 2.55670539 -1.07587289 -0.844406742
H 0.0 4.09797262 7.91731126 14.27474747 -1.11207436 -0.288652964 2.31285102
H 0.0 3.76782483 7.84139173 12.78716141 -2.2475807 0.111230678 -1.64556581
O 0.0 13.20540959 10.61164285 10.21274274 1.74632584 -2.01003369 -6.59735601
H 0.0 12.78047438 10.51881172 9.24139813 1.16484535 1.51011897 5.33862694
H 0.0 12.63415376 10.92515366 10.90178645 -2.57798462 0.993695187 0.88017561
O 0.0 9.64670416 1.45041875 13.31399796 -0.0315202066 1.17058605 -4.29941683
H 0.0 9.34627598 0.56615169 13.00672565 0.461753332 -0.140324509 1.17821155
H 0.0 9.81497291 1.84555074 12.39010298 0.0622852666 -0.979831101 3.43437505
O 0.0 8.92242228 14.02845084 7.32122855 1.28084726 0.690799405 -1.64030462
H 0.0 7.97800783 14.19801041 7.25616743 -0.901182429 0.396329825 -0.309836364
H 0.0 9.37073893 14.52786047 6.59892832 -0.481597763 -0.494957776 1.08664918
O 0.0 14.46988012 4.51474759 8.67746932 2.11191429 -0.375164115 -1.37600806
H 0.0 0.54134682 5.05238344 9.22878369 -0.914173776 -1.45565608 -1.86510745

In order to run dynamics, you need to attach a calculator.

When you load the atoms from a file, it has a “single point calculator” with the original energy/forces on it. But as soon as you start simulating, you need a calculator capable of calculating new energies and forces.

So 1) create calculator and 2) attach the calculator to the atoms, then 3) run the dynamics.