Running benchmark tests

Dear all,
I am interested in running benchmark tests in our latest supercomputer, CRAY XC40 for LAMMPS for scalability studies and parallel efficiency. I can see there are two types of input files, one fixed and one is scaled. Can anyone please tell me how exactly to use them and how do their use differs. How does LAMMPS treat them differently and give parallel efficiency plots as shown in Benchmarks section of LAMMPS webpage.

I will be really grateful if I am giving anything related material that helps me gain more insight into the matter.

P.S.: I am mostly working on parallelism on CPUs and not much encouraged to see parallelism available for LAMMPS on GPUs yet.

Dear all,
I am interested in running benchmark tests in our latest supercomputer,
CRAY XC40 for LAMMPS for scalability studies and parallel efficiency. I can
see there are two types of input files, one fixed and one is scaled. Can
anyone please tell me how exactly to use them and how do their use differs.
How does LAMMPS treat them differently and give parallel efficiency plots
as shown in Benchmarks section of LAMMPS webpage.

​one is for running strong scaling tests, the other for​ running weak
scaling tests. details are in the bench/README files, which expects some
familiarity with running LAMMPS in general.
