Dear LAMMPS Mailing List,
I am using the 5May2020 version of LAMMPS. My goal is to use the KOKKOS acceleration package along with hybrid pair_style. I recently posted a message here asking about an error with pair_style hybrid & kokkos, and the output of the discussion was that I should comment some line on the code, what I did, and I don’t have the error message I had previously. But, when running the script I now have some segmentation errors, with the adress not mapped signal code. I can run the script without the KOKKOS package, I can also run other scripts with the KOKKOS package (but not using the hybrid pair_style), but when I try to run that script on the GPU(s), I have this kind of messages:
[gpu001:457814] *** Process received signal ***
[gpu001:457814] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[gpu001:457814] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[gpu001:457814] Failing at address: 0x481
[gpu001:457814] [ 0] /usr/lib64/[0x2aaaacafe5d0]
[gpu001:457814] [ 1] /home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/build-kokkos-pair-mods/lmp_mpi[0x85bfcf]
[gpu001:457814] [ 2] /home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/build-kokkos-pair-mods/lmp_mpi[0x8a2994]
[gpu001:457814] [ 3] /home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/build-kokkos-pair-mods/lmp_mpi[0xa46f02]
[gpu001:457814] [ 4] /home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/build-kokkos-pair-mods/lmp_mpi[0x4cb529]
[gpu001:457814] [ 5] /home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/build-kokkos-pair-mods/lmp_mpi[0x9ebea8]
[gpu001:457814] [ 6] /home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/build-kokkos-pair-mods/lmp_mpi[0x45b236]
[gpu001:457814] [ 7] /home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/build-kokkos-pair-mods/lmp_mpi[0x4e98c5]
[gpu001:457814] [ 8] /home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/build-kokkos-pair-mods/lmp_mpi[0x455496]
[gpu001:457814] [ 9] /home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/build-kokkos-pair-mods/lmp_mpi[0x453ab7]
[gpu001:457814] [10] /home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/build-kokkos-pair-mods/lmp_mpi[0x4541c4]
[gpu001:457814] [11] /home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/build-kokkos-pair-mods/lmp_mpi[0x409306]
[gpu001:457814] [12] /usr/lib64/[0x2aaaad5c73d5]
[gpu001:457814] [13] /home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/build-kokkos-pair-mods/lmp_mpi[0x44c37f]
[gpu001:457814] *** End of error message ***
I know Segmentation faults issues are not easy to solve remotely, but since the script runs well without the KOKKOS package, my primary guess is that I fail while compiling my executable.
I am working on the High Performance Cluster of my university with some GPU nodes under the Skylake architecture ( 2 X NVidia V100 16Gb per nodes), and I used this command line to build my KOKKOS executable (as I need the BODY / MANYBODY / MOLECULE / KSPACE / RIGID / MISC / MC / MOLECULE / REAXC / OMP / KOKKOS packages):
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/newinstalldir -DBUILD_OMP=yes -DKokkos_ARCH_SKX=yes -DLAMMPS_MACHINE=mpi -DPKG_BODY=yes -DPKG_MANYBODY=on -DPKG_MOLECULE=on -DPKG_KSPACE=on -DPKG_RIGID=on -DPKG_MISC=on -DPKG_MC=on -DPKG_MOLECULE=on -DPKG_USER-REAXC=on -DPKG_USER-OMP=on -DPKG_KOKKOS=on -DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=yes -DKokkos_ARCH_VOLTA70=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=wrapper -DKokkos_ENABLE_OPENMP=yes -DBUILD_OMP=yes -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/home/int/sam/defoort/lammps/lammps-patch_5May2020/lib/kokkos/bin/nvcc_wrapper …/cmake/
To run the script I am using this command:
mpirun -np 8 $PROGNAME -pk kokkos newton on neigh half comm no -k on g 2 -sf kk -in
Has anyone encountered such problems ? If so, what should be my approach on how to solve these segmentation faults ? Any advices are more than welcome. I can join my script if needed, but since the script is working without KOKKOS, I believe the script is fine and it is my KOKKOS compilation that is faulty.
Thank you very much,
Best regards,