Hi everyone! I installed atomate and configured it. Now I try to " Run a test workflow" by “atwf add -l vasp -s optimize_only.yaml -m mp-149 -c ‘{“vasp_cmd”: “>>vasp_cmd<<”, “db_file”: “>>db_file<<”}’”. This led to “INFO Added a workflow. id_map: {-1: 1}”.
However, the “qlaunch rapidfire” leads to 6 job submissions instead of one. The first job is correct and runs vasp. All the remaining 5 jobs do nothing without error and just with the following output:
2022-12-11 09:41:28,534 INFO Hostname/IP lookup (this will take a few seconds)
2022-12-11 09:41:28,542 INFO Launching Rocket
No FireWorks are ready to run and match query! {‘$or’: [{‘spec._fworker’: {‘$exists’: False}}, {‘spec._fworker’: None}, {‘spec._fworker’: ‘discovery’}]}
2022-12-11 09:41:28,568 INFO Rocket finished
I tried to look into the source code (like fireworks) but cannot figure out the reason. Could someone help understand this issue?