Sw potential for MoS2

Dears all,
I am trying to create a model for Fe,PAO and MoS2.However,the MoS2’s atoms will scatter when relaxing the model.
I use the EAM potential for Fe,trappe-ua potential for PAO and sw potential for MoS2.I have tried several versions of sw potential,but all failed.
Here is my in.data.Can anyone help me correct it?
Thanks a lot.

units metal #energy=eV
dimension 3
boundary p p p
atom_style full
neighbor 2.0 bin
neigh_modify every 1 delay 0 check yes

bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic
dihedral_style opls
read_data Layer2_hybrid3.data

#define groups
group PAO type 1 2 3
group MoS2 type 6 7 8
group Fe type 4 5
region Fe_up block INF INF INF INF 100 INF
group Fe_up region Fe_up
region Fe_down block INF INF INF INF 0 43
group Fe_down region Fe_down

#define fix&thermo&free layer
region upfix block INF INF INF INF 129 INF
group upfix region upfix
region upther block INF INF INF INF 114 129
group upther region upther
region downfix block INF INF INF INF INF 15
group downfix region downfix
region downther block INF INF INF INF 15 29
group downther region downther
group upfree subtract Fe_up upfix upther
group downfree subtract Fe_down downfix downther

group fix union upfix downfix
group ther union upther downther
group free union upfree downfree
group move subtract all upfix downfix

pair_style hybrid eam/fs sw lj/cut 14
pair_coeff 1 1 lj/cut 0.00844 3.75000 #c3-c3
pair_coeff 1 2 lj/cut 0.00578 3.85000 #c3-c2
pair_coeff 1 3 lj/cut 0.00270 4.21500 #c3-c1
pair_coeff 1 4 lj/cut 0.01577 2.97500 #c3-Fe
pair_coeff 1 5 lj/cut 0.01577 2.97500 #c3-Fe
pair_coeff 1 6 lj/cut 0.00453 3.23450 #c3-Mo
pair_coeff 1 7 lj/cut 0.01001 3.67250 #c3-s
pair_coeff 1 8 lj/cut 0.01001 3.67250 #c3-s
pair_coeff 2 2 lj/cut 0.00396 3.95000 #c2-c2
pair_coeff 2 3 lj/cut 0.00185 4.31500 #c2-c1
pair_coeff 2 4 lj/cut 0.01080 3.07500 #c2-Fe
pair_coeff 2 5 lj/cut 0.01080 3.07500 #c2-Fe
pair_coeff 2 6 lj/cut 0.00310 3.33450 #c2-Mo
pair_coeff 2 7 lj/cut 0.00686 3.77250 #c2-s
pair_coeff 2 8 lj/cut 0.00686 3.77250 #c2-s
pair_coeff 3 3 lj/cut 0.00086 4.68000 #c1-c1
pair_coeff 3 4 lj/cut 0.00504 3.44000 #c1-Fe
pair_coeff 3 5 lj/cut 0.00504 3.44000 #c1-Fe
pair_coeff 3 6 lj/cut 0.00145 3.69950 #c1-Mo
pair_coeff 3 7 lj/cut 0.00320 4.13750 #c1-s
pair_coeff 3 8 lj/cut 0.00320 4.13750 #c1-s
pair_coeff * * eam/fs /home/srf/software/lammps/potentials/Fe_mm.eam.fs NULL NULL NULL Fe Fe NULL NULL NULL #Fe-Fe
pair_coeff 4 6 lj/cut 0.00846 2.45950 #Fe-Mo
pair_coeff 4 7 lj/cut 0.01870 2.89750 #Fe-s
pair_coeff 4 8 lj/cut 0.01870 2.89750 #Fe-s
pair_coeff 5 6 lj/cut 0.00846 2.45950 #Fe-Mo
pair_coeff 5 7 lj/cut 0.01870 2.89750 #Fe-s
pair_coeff 5 8 lj/cut 0.01870 2.89750 #Fe-s
pair_coeff * * sw /home/srf/software/lammps/potentials/tmd.sw.mod NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Mo S S

bond_coeff 1 19.513 1.54
bond_coeff 2 19.513 1.54
bond_coeff 3 19.513 1.54
bond_coeff 4 19.513 1.54

angle_coeff 1 2.69292 114
angle_coeff 2 2.69292 114
angle_coeff 3 2.69292 114
angle_coeff 4 2.69292 114
angle_coeff 5 2.69292 114
angle_coeff 6 2.69292 114

dihedral_coeff 1 0 0.03059393 -0.00587612 0.06819027
dihedral_coeff 2 0 0.03059393 -0.00587612 0.06819027
dihedral_coeff 3 0 0.03059393 -0.00587612 0.06819027
dihedral_coeff 4 0 0.03059393 -0.00587612 0.06819027
dihedral_coeff 5 0 0.03059393 -0.00587612 0.06819027
dihedral_coeff 6 0 0.03059393 -0.00587612 0.06819027
dihedral_coeff 7 0 0.03059393 -0.00587612 0.06819027

fix 1 Fe_up setforce 0 0 0
fix 2 Fe_down setforce 0 0 0
minimize 1.0e-4 1.0e-6 100 1000
unfix 1
unfix 2

#run settings
compute myTther ther temp/partial 0 1 0
compute myTfree free temp/partial 0 1 0
compute fx downfix reduce sum fx
compute fz downfix reduce sum fz

velocity ther create 300 5643454 temp myTther loop local dist gaussian rot yes
velocity free create 300 567854 temp myTfree loop local dist gaussian rot yes
timestep 0.001 #time=ps
thermo 100
thermo_style custom step etotal c_myTther c_myTfree c_fx c_fz
thermo_modify flush yes
dump mydump1 all atom 100 dump.lammpstrj

fix MoS2_nvt MoS2 nvt temp 300.0 300.0 0.1
fix PAO_nvt PAO nvt temp 300.0 300.0 0.1
fix upther_nvt upther nvt temp 300.0 300.0 0.1
fix upfree_nvt upfree nvt temp 300.0 300.0 0.1
fix downther_nvt downther nvt temp 300.0 300.0 0.1
fix downfree_nvt downfree nvt temp 300.0 300.0 0.1

restart 10000 tmp.restart
run 1000000

I only relax MoS2, there is no problem.

Which means that the more likely candidates for causing a problem are not the sw potential parameters, but the lj/cut parameters.

Overall, you have an extremely complex system and are coming across a major problem with using a hybrid pair style: you are essentially constructing a new model with parameters that were not parameterized for this specific model and combination of pair style and thus whether it will produce meaningful results is more a question of luck than of science. You need to treat this like a completely new parameterization and need to re-validate each section and interaction that is part of the model. For example how did you obtain the parameters for the interaction of your PAO atoms with Fe or MoS2?
And how did you validate that those are sufficiently consistent with real physical properties to be trustworthy?

Thanks for your replying.
The lj parameters for the interaction of my PAO atoms with Fe or MoS2 from a paper(DOI: 10.1039/d3cp01288c).I referenced the parameters from this paper because the model and materials in this paper have a certain degree of similarity to mine.

As your screenshot shows, in your MD model, the intermolecular cohesion of PAO* is strong enough to overcome the adhesion of MoS2 to its substrate (the green atoms in your visualization). This in turn is happening because you are trying to equilibrate PAO in a cavity far larger than its eventual equilibrium volume, so it must exert significant negative pressure – hence detaching whatever interface is easiest to detach in the z-direction.

For all I know, this may even be physically accurate (capillary forces are after all quite strong). If it is not, my intuition is that you are seeing this because the SW potential is a many-body potential attempting to model interatomic bonds. Many-body potentials are in general non-additive and – relative to a comparable pair-additive potential – will intuitively stabilize condensed configurations but destabilize dimeric configurations.

So it is easy for the PAO’s cohesion to detach individual Mo or S atoms (which, remember, have no permanent bonds!) which destabilizes the many-body SW energy which leads to more detachments, and so on.

In any case, if you are fully convinced that the interatomic potentials are accurate, you should try starting from a configuration with a much smaller cavity, and try to relax that cavity to its proper equilibrium height as soon as possible to minimize the unphysical / unintended detachment.

*by the way – since LAMMPS is such a general-purpose MD software, you should try avoiding unobvious acronyms like “PAO”. I am guessing that it is some particular polymer but if it is something very different then all this guessing will have been for nothing.

I have just started learning about MD and lammps.Thank you very much for your guidance, it has been very helpful to me. I will make the modifications according to your advice.

*I apologize for not making it clear.The “PAO” is a n-alkane.