The angle of surface slab is lower than 90 degree


I am writing to address some concerns I have encountered while working on slab generation. I apologize in advance for the number of questions, but I would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving these issues, below is my code.

cif = CifParser(“path”)
cif_struct = cif.get_structures(primitive=False)
struct = SpacegroupAnalyzer(cif_struct[0]).get_conventional_standard_structure()
slab = SlabGenerator(struct, miller_index=(1,1,0), in_unit_planes = True,
min_slab_size=3,min_vacuum_size=4, lll_reduce=True, center_slab=True)

all_slabs = slab.get_slabs()

My questions are:

  1. Regarding the slabs I have generated, I have noticed that the alpha angle is 90 degrees, the beta angle is 98 degrees, and the gamma angle is 90 degrees. I am uncertain whether the problem lies with the parameters I have defined, potentially causing the beta angle to exceed 90 degrees?

  2. What is the difference between the “SlabGenerator” and “generate_all_slabs” functions. It appears that the latter has more parameters compared to the former"I am also seeking clarification on the distinction between the “SlabGenerator” and “generate_all_slabs” functions. It appears that the latter has more parameters compared to the former?

  3. If I defined “ftol=0.1, tol=0.1, max_broken_bonds=0,symmetrize=True,repair=True” in get_slabs(), the generated slabs will not follow the stoichiometry, so I didnt define the parameters in get_slabs(), is it ok?

Sorry for many questions, I am looking forward your kind reply.

Best regards.


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