The meaning of force call in BFGSLinearsearch method


I’m using minimum hopping global optimization method in ase. In qn0000x.log file, as the following showed:

BFGSLineSearch: 32[ 54] 21:08:34 -97.530839* 0.0849
BFGSLineSearch: 33[ 56] 21:14:40 -97.531158* 0.0912
BFGSLineSearch: 34[ 57] 21:17:43 -97.531520* 0.0790
BFGSLineSearch: 35[ 58] 21:20:47 -97.531759* 0.0657
BFGSLineSearch: 36[ 59] 21:23:51 -97.531938* 0.0772
BFGSLineSearch: 37[ 61] 21:29:59 -97.532774* 0.1205
BFGSLineSearch: 38[117] 00:15:16 -97.532853* 0.1163
BFGSLineSearch: 39[118] 00:18:19 -97.533302* 0.0787
BFGSLineSearch: 40[119] 00:21:23 -97.533821* 0.0623
BFGSLineSearch: 41[124] 00:36:43 -97.534023* 0.0340

It seems that, between step 37 and 38, the computer uses much time in force calls(from 61 to 117). I am confused that what the role of force calls play? Why force calls number is always larger than step number?

Thank you for attention and help!

Hi zihao jiao,

The BFGSLineSearch performs a line search which involves one or more energy evaluations. When the number goes from 61 to 117, it means it performed 50+ energy evaluations as part of this line search. This probably means the algorithm is somehow confused.

You can consider using a different algorithm, e.g. BFGS.

Best regards

thank you very much!