When I was using deepmd potential to siumlate the RDX MSST, I found it randomly break down in some shock velocity. And I found all the thermo parameters was appropriate, all the distance was proper. Just all of sudden, the direction of the shock was turned into nan.The 90 shock velocity crashed, but the 96 shock velocity was running properly. Is it caused by the intensive pressure fluctuation?But why is it not crashing in even the higher shock velocities?
This is the thermo properties
here is the input file
variable FREQ equal 25
variable V_SHOCK equal 96
variable THERMO_FREQ equal 10
variable NSTEPS equal 40000
variable DUMP equal 10
units metal
boundary p p p
atom_style atomic
read_data conf.lmp
mass 1 1.008000
mass 2 12.011000
mass 3 14.007000
mass 4 15.999000
pair_style deepmd ../graph.000.pb ../graph.001.pb ../graph.002.pb ../graph.003.pb out_freq 25 out_file model_devi.out
pair_coeff * *
neighbor 1.0 bin
min_style cg
minimize 1.0e-6 1.0e-6 10000 10000
#velocity all create 300 234567
timestep 0.0004
# NPT fix
fix npt all npt temp 300 300 0.01 iso 1.0 1.0 0.1
thermo_style custom step temp press vol ke pe etotal
thermo ${THERMO_FREQ}
run 10000
unfix npt
write_restart npt.restart
reset_timestep 0
# MSST fix
timestep 0.0002
fix msst all msst x ${V_SHOCK}
fix_modify msst energy no
variable dhug equal f_msst[1]
variable dray equal f_msst[2]
variable lgr_vel equal f_msst[3]
variable lgr_pos equal f_msst[4]
thermo_style custom step temp press vol ke pe etotal lx ly lz pxx pyy pzz &
v_dhug v_dray v_lgr_vel v_lgr_pos f_msst
thermo ${THERMO_FREQ}
dump dpgen_dump all custom 25 all.lammpstrj id type x y z
run ${NSTEPS}