Dear all, I performed the same simulation on two different versions of LAMMPS, and the results were quite different. I simulated the organic matter and a small amount of water molecules on the clay surface, and used the fix NVT “group” command (fix the clay layer, so it does not perform NVT integral calculation), which was calculated in LAMMPS-2016 and LAMMPS-2020 respectively. In the former simulation, all water molecules added to the clay surface diffuse into the box, while in the latter simulation, water molecules are adsorbed on the surface. I don’t know which result is correct.
I find that the system temperature output in the two versions is different. Is the fix NVT method different? Detailed documents attached. (376 Bytes) (27.5 KB) (589.6 KB)
nohup.out (19.3 KB)
WaterCoordX.dat (70.5 KB)
WaterCoordY.dat (70.1 KB)
WaterCoordZ.dat (72.2 KB)