Three-body rmin cut offs

Dear Julian,

Hopefully a relatively simple problem. I am putting in three-body potentails, but find that the rmin cut_off cannot go above 10. For example,
H1 H1 H1 0.0023 90.000000 0 16.8 0 16.8 0 19.4 works fine, but,
H1 H1 H1 0.0023 180.000000 0 16.8 0 16.8 15 19.4 does not.

I may be doing something silly so please let me know if there is an easy way around this. Thank you again for your help with this. I attach the .gin and corresponding .gout files.

Best wishes,
not_normal.gout (18.1 KB)
not_normal.gin (379 Bytes)
normal.gin (378 Bytes)
normal.gout (18.0 KB)

Hi Quentin,
I’m not sure how you are seeing that the potential isn’t working when the rmin > 10?
I agree the output of the potential prints **** for the cutoff (as your value is pretty whacky and so the format statement doesn’t cope as I guess I’d never seen anyone use an rmin for a three-body that is so large) but the energy seems to be evaluated. I’ll attach a version of your input, with output, that shows, that the potential with the rmin = 15 Ang is finding 3-body terms and computing their energy.
Best regards,
normal.gin (360 Bytes) (140.6 KB)

Dear Julian,

Perfect you are quite right. Thank you very much for this and the swift reply.

Best wishes,