Timestep limitation


I intend to calculate the density of a system but unable to go further than 3 ps! It may be worth to note the cut-off distance is less than half of the simulation box length but this warning message appeared that maybe relevant to the problem: WARNING: Bond/angle/dihedral extent > half of periodic box length (../domain.cpp:667). Similar cases found having this warning message but unfortunately I couldn't figure out the solution and I'm not even sure that my problem is related to this message. Here is my input file and I highly appreciate any guidances help me run this simulation for more than 3 ps since I changed initial coordinates but didn't succeed.

dimension 3
boundary p p p
units real
atom_style full
timestep 1
#-------------Atom Definition---------------
pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 12.5
pair_modify tail yes
kspace_style ewald 1e-6
bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic
special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 1.0 dihedral yes
dihedral_style harmonic
improper_style cvff
read_data data.density
neighbor 0.3 bin
neigh_modify every 2 delay 10 check yes
timestep 3
fix 1 all nve/limit 0.1
fix 2 all temp/rescale 100 298 298 0 1.0
variable density equal mass(all)*10/(6.0221417930*vol)
thermo 100
thermo_style custom v_density
run 1000
unfix 1
unfix 2
fix 1 all npt temp 298 298 100 iso 0.98692 0.98692 500 #298 K and 1 bar
print density
run 1000

Thank you in advance,


I intend to calculate the density of a system but unable to go further than 3 ps! It may be worth to note the cut-off distance is less than half of the simulation box length but this warning message appeared that maybe relevant to the problem: WARNING: Bond/angle/dihedral extent > half of periodic box length (../domain.cpp:667). Similar cases found having this warning message but unfortunately I couldn't figure out the solution and I'm not even sure that my problem is related to this message. Here is my input file and I highly appreciate any guidances help me run this simulation for more than 3 ps since I changed initial coordinates but didn't succeed.

please talk to somebody that has experience in running MD simulations
in general and can tell you something about equilibration. there are
many details in your input that don't quite add up, but it is near
impossible to explain this all over e-mail. you don't even need an
expert in LAMMPS...
