Total energy and temperature go up with fix nve and fix thermal/conductivity for thermal conductivity calculation

Dear LAMMPS users,

I want to calculate thermal conductivity of single polymer strand by MP method. As provided by most strategies, I first fixed NVT, and then fix NVE and fix thermal /conductivity as shown in the code.
However, the total energy of the system continues going up and temperature does. I double checked everything without any solution. The pdb file during fix theraml/conductivity shows that the polymer chain tends to curved.
Can any one help me out ? thanks.

units real
atom_style full
dimension 3
boundary p p p

pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 10.0 10.0
pair_modify mix geometric
bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic
dihedral_style opls
special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5
kspace_style pppm 1e-4
neighbor 2 bin
neigh_modify delay 0 check yes

variable fac equal 1.00
variable nSlab equal 40
variable Length equal 124
variable nSwap equal 1800
variable LenSlab equal {Length}*{fac}/${nSlab}

change_box all x scale ${fac} remap units box
minimize 1.0e-4 1.0e-6 100 1000

velocity all create 300 10
fix 1 all nvt temp 300.0 300.0 100.0 drag 0.2
fix 2 all momentum 1 linear 1 1 1 angular
timestep 0.1
velocity all create 300 12
run 1000
timestep 1
velocity all create 300 13
run 20000
unfix 1
unfix 2
fix NVE all nve
timestep 1
run 100000
reset_timestep 0
dump 1 all custom 1 dos.dump id type vx vy vz
dump 2 all custom 1000 bio_pdb.dump id type x y z
run 20000
undump 1
undump 2
reset_timestep 0
write_restart bioini.restart

compute ke2 all ke/atom
variable temp atom c_ke2*335.479
fix temp_profile all ave/spatial 1 {nSwap} {nSwap} x lower {LenSlab} v_temp & file temp.profile units box fix heat_swap all thermal/conductivity {nSwap} x {nSlab} fix heatflux all ave/time {nSwap} 1 ${nSwap} f_heat_swap file mode scalar

thermo_style custom step temp pe ke etotal f_heat_swap
thermo_modify lost warn
thermo ${nSwap}
dump 1 all custom 5000 bio.dump id type x y z

run 10000000

Part of the log file :

Step Temp PotEng KinEng TotEng heat_swa
8160000 304.54347 -677.46454 253.27236 -424.19218 2797.5843
8163200 295.2164 -668.67075 245.51554 -423.15521 2799.184
8166400 288.76888 -664.10069 240.15348 -423.9472 2799.7251
8169600 303.95069 -676.41776 252.77938 -423.63838 2800.18
8170000 304.90339 -676.88883 253.57169 -423.31714 2800.18
Loop time of 7.11138 on 16 procs for 10000 steps with 280 atoms

Memory usage per processor = 13.9479 Mbytes
Step Temp PotEng KinEng TotEng heat_swa
16260000 328.14823 -679.42943 272.90317 -406.52626 5722.6631
16262400 311.54201 -664.91377 259.09267 -405.8211 5722.7674
16265600 310.30801 -664.84287 258.06642 -406.77645 5724.855
16268800 308.99398 -663.63225 256.97361 -406.65864 5725.9905
16270000 308.2574 -662.20872 256.36103 -405.84769 5725.9905
Loop time of 7.48647 on 16 procs for 10000 steps with 280 atoms

Step Temp PotEng KinEng TotEng heat_swa
68050000 360.45114 -608.16249 299.76775 -308.39474 26507.826
68051200 335.11148 -585.93862 278.69413 -307.2445 26509.625
68054400 377.2177 -622.01881 313.71159 -308.30721 26510.347
68057600 364.54733 -611.5104 303.17433 -308.33607 26511.862
68060000 372.17516 -618.56509 309.51799 -309.04711 26511.862
Loop time of 7.69513 on 16 procs for 10000 steps with 280 atoms

Step Temp PotEng KinEng TotEng heat_swa
104270000 397.69803 -568.33525 330.74397 -237.59128 43261.797
104272000 421.48862 -588.20212 350.52933 -237.67279 43263.375
104275200 411.4236 -578.57889 342.15879 -236.4201 43266.259
104278400 424.79958 -590.14994 353.28288 -236.86706 43265.63
104280000 430.50965 -596.10339 358.03163 -238.07176 43265.63
Loop time of 7.40201 on 16 procs for 10000 steps with 280 atoms

pdb file


Thanks for help.

John Zhang

Dear LAMMPS users,

I want to calculate thermal conductivity of single polymer strand by MP
method. As provided by most strategies, I first fixed NVT, and then fix
NVE and fix thermal /conductivity as shown in the code.
However, the total energy of the system continues going up and temperature
does. I double checked everything without any solution.

​what is this "everything" that you checked​? and how?

The pdb file during fix theraml/conductivity shows that the polymer chain

tends to curved.

​why should this not happen?​


Sorry for the incorrect description. I mean that I check the input file with examples in LAMMPS and other Tutorials and assure that I am following the correct procedures.
I did change the length of the simulation box to minimize the potential energy to get the initial configuration. Then I generated the initial positions and other parameters like bond lengths,
angles, dihedrals, and impropers to do this simulation. And I used periodic boundary conditions . I can understand why curved configuration leads to an increase in total energy and temperature.


   Sorry for the incorrect description. I mean that I check the input
file with examples in LAMMPS and other Tutorials and assure that I am
following the correct procedures.

​that *still* doesn't say anything about which steps you did explicitly to
check whether they improve ​energy conservation, i.e. which parameters you
changed and tested. most examples bundled with LAMMPS for example, are
*not* examples for good practice; they simply demonstrate how certain
features work with inputs that complete quickly. doing properly converged
simulations usually require much more conservative settings and suitable

I did change the length of the simulation box to minimize the potential

energy to get the initial configuration. Then I generated the initial
positions and other parameters like bond lengths,
angles, dihedrals, and impropers to do this simulation. And I used
periodic boundary conditions

​using periodic boundary conditions by itself doesn't mean anything.

. I can understand why curved configuration leads to an increase in total
energy and temperature.

​well, if total energy *and* temperature go up while bending, then there is
something wrong. if you do a correct simulation with fix nve, then the
total energy should be (on average) conserved. ​while the system bends you
may see a transfer of energy from kinetic to potential and back. after all,
you do not couple to any external reservoir of energy


​thanks for what? there ​still isn't much useful information here.


Have you tested the sensibility of the nswap and fswap parameters?


I tested the sensibility of the nswap and fswap. Also I tested the nve equilibration time. I tested the simulation time from 0.1 ns to 5 ns. In these cases, the total energy and temperature increases with time. It is true that if structure bends, kinetic energy can convert into potential energy. In my case, both potential and kinetic energies go up with time. I am trying to decrease the timestep size right now.

Thank you all for helping me / trying to help me.


The MP technique is known to cause problems in bonded systems when the velocity swapping is done. Not sure that is the core of your issues here but decreasing the timestep as you are doing may help.