Trying to run Atomate Workflows: Failure in in launch_rocket_to_queue


I am trying to install and submit a basic atomate workflow to a supercomputing cluster which uses SLURM job scheduler. I am following the atomate installation tutorial here: Installing atomate — atomate 1.0.3 documentation.

I have managed to install atomate and all its packages, and I can create workflows and submit them, but unfortunately VASP does not seem able to run. After submitting a workflow to the FireWorks database and verifying that it has loaded to the launchpad using lpad get_wfs, I submit the firework to the job scheduler using qlaunch rapidfire -m 1 --nlaunches 1 (to make sure only one job is submitted to the queue). After submitting, I get the job ID and feedback that the job was successfully submitted, but almost immediately the FireWork fizzles. When checking the FW_submit-#####.err file, I find the following error:

/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/command_line/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.

enum_cmd = which(“enum.x”) or which(“multienum.x”)

/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/command_line/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.

makestr_cmd = which(“makestr.x”) or which(“makeStr.x”) or which(“”)

/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/command_line/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.

which(“mcsqs”) and which(“str2cif”),

/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/command_line/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.

BADEREXE = which(“bader”) or which(“bader.exe”)

/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/command_line/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.

which(“bader”) or which(“bader.exe”),

/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/electronic_structure/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.


/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/atomate/vasp/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.

BADER_EXE_EXISTS = which(“bader”) or which(“bader.exe”)

(atomate_env) login4.stampede2(1119)$ cat FW_job-11341086.out

2023-05-19 15:37:15,594 INFO moving to launch_dir /scratch/09341/jamesgil/atomate_test/block_2023-05-19-16-58-29-771445/launcher_2023-05-19-20-36-04-974292

2023-05-19 15:37:15,621 INFO submitting queue script

2023-05-19 15:37:15,745 ERROR ----|vvv|----

2023-05-19 15:37:15,764 ERROR Error in job submission with SLURM file FW_submit.script and cmd [‘sbatch’, ‘FW_submit.script’]

The error response reads: b’’

2023-05-19 15:37:15,765 ERROR ----|^^^|----

2023-05-19 15:37:15,766 ERROR ----|vvv|----

2023-05-19 15:37:15,767 ERROR Error writing/submitting queue script!

2023-05-19 15:37:15,780 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):

File “/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fireworks/queue/”, line 150, in launch_rocket_to_queue

raise RuntimeError(

RuntimeError: queue script could not be submitted, check queue script/queue adapter/queue server status!

2023-05-19 15:37:15,781 ERROR ----|^^^|----

My FW_submit.script is as follows: !/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH --nodes=1

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=64

#SBATCH --time=4:00:00

#SBATCH --partition=normal

#SBATCH --account=TG-MAT210016

#SBATCH --job-name=FW_job

#SBATCH --output=FW_job-%j.out

#SBATCH --error=FW_job-%j.error

#SBATCH --mail-type=START,END

#SBATCH [email protected]

cd /scratch/09341/jamesgil/atomate_test/block_2023-05-19-16-58-29-771445/launcher_2023-05-19-20-36-04-974292

qlaunch -c /home1/09341/jamesgil/atomate/config singleshot

CommonAdapter (SLURM) completed writing Template

My my_fworker.yaml is as follows:

name: Stampede2_normal
category: none
query: ‘{}’
db_file: /home1/09341/jamesgil/atomate/config/db.json
vasp_cmd: ibrun vasp_std
scratch_dir: /scratch/09341/jamesgil

My my_launchpad.yaml is as follows:

name: Stampede2_normal

category: none

query: ‘{}’


db_file: /home1/09341/jamesgil/atomate/config/db.json

vasp_cmd: ibrun vasp_std

scratch_dir: /scratch/09341/jamesgil

My my_launchpad.yaml is as follows:

(atomate_env) login4.stampede2(1006)$ cat my_launchpad.yaml

host: ***

port: ***

name: ***

username: ***

password: ***

ssl_ca_file: null

logdir: null

strm_lvl: INFO

user_indices: []

wf_user_indices: []

My my_qadapter.yaml is as follows:

_fw_name: CommonAdapter

_fw_q_type: SLURM

rocket_launch: qlaunch -c /home1/09341/jamesgil/atomate/config singleshot

nodes: 1

ntasks_per_node: 64

walltime: 4:00:00

queue: normal

account: ***

job_name: null

mail_type: “START,END”

mail_user: [email protected]

pre_rocket: null

post_rocket: null

logdir: /home1/09341/jamesgil/atomate/logs

I have submitted VASP calculations on this cluster before, and they run without error (I tested this again after I encountered this issue). Has anyone encountered this error before? I get this same error upon repitition, and I’m not sure how to resolve it. Any help is appreciated!

Hi James

I think the error is here:

In the qlauncher.yaml you should have rlaunch -c /home1/09341/jamesgil/atomate/config singleshot

qlaunch is meant to submit a job in the queue, while rlaunch to actually run the job in the granted node.

Hope this helps, enjoy Fireworks :wink:

Hi! Thank you so much for your response - So I initially had my qadaptor.yaml set to rlaunch instead of qlaunch, and switched it because I suspected that maybe it was not submitting to the queue correctly. Now that I understand the distinction, I’ll be sure to switch it back! However, when I submitted using rlaunch in myadaptor.yaml, I got different errors:


/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/command_line/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.

enum_cmd = which(“enum.x”) or which(“multienum.x”)

/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/command_line/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.

makestr_cmd = which(“makestr.x”) or which(“makeStr.x”) or which(“”)

/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/command_line/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.

which(“mcsqs”) and which(“str2cif”),

/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/command_line/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.

BADEREXE = which(“bader”) or which(“bader.exe”)

/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/command_line/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.

which(“bader”) or which(“bader.exe”),

/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/electronic_structure/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.


/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/atomate/vasp/ FutureWarning: which is deprecated; use which in shutil instead.

shutil.which has been available since Python 3.3. This will be removed in v2023.

BADER_EXE_EXISTS = which(“bader”) or which(“bader.exe”)

/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/atomate/vasp/firetasks/ FutureWarning: MaxForceErrorHandler is deprecated

This handler is no longer supported and its use is no longer recommended. It will be removed in v2020.x.


/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/io/vasp/ UnknownPotcarWarning: POTCAR with symbol Si has metadata that does not match any VASP POTCAR known to pymatgen. The data in this POTCAR is known to match the following functionals: [‘PBE’]


/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/io/vasp/ UnknownPotcarWarning: POTCAR with symbol Si has metadata that does not match any VASP POTCAR known to pymatgen. The data in this POTCAR is known to match the following functionals: [‘PBE’]


Failed to load vasprun.xml

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/custodian/vasp/”, line 36, in check


File “/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymatgen/io/vasp/”, line 346, in init

with zopen(filename, "rt") as f: 

File “/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/monty/”, line 45, in zopen

return open(filename, *args, **kwargs)  # pylint: disable=R1732 

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘vasprun.xml’

Validation failed: VasprunXMLValidator

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fireworks/core/”, line 261, in run

m_action = t.run_task(my_spec) 

File “/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/atomate/vasp/firetasks/”, line 293, in run_task 

File “/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/custodian/”, line 382, in run

self._run_job(job_n, job) 

File “/home1/09341/jamesgil/mambaforge/envs/atomate_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/custodian/”, line 504, in _run_job

raise ValidationError(s, True, v) 

custodian.custodian.ValidationError: Validation failed: VasprunXMLValidator


2023-05-19 14:02:50,331 INFO Hostname/IP lookup (this will take a few seconds)

2023-05-19 14:03:21,490 INFO Created new dir /scratch/09341/jamesgil/atomate_test/block_2023-05-19-16-58-29-771445/launcher_2023-05-19-19-02-12-919478/launcher_2023-05-19-19-03-21-488689

2023-05-19 14:03:21,493 INFO Launching Rocket

2023-05-19 14:03:22,166 INFO RUNNING fw_id: 105 in directory: /scratch/09341/jamesgil/atomate_test/block_2023-05-19-16-58-29-771445/launcher_2023-05-19-19-02-12-919478/launcher_2023-05-19-19-03-21-488689

2023-05-19 14:03:22,383 INFO Task started: {{atomate.vasp.firetasks.write_inputs.WriteVaspFromIOSet}}.

2023-05-19 14:03:22,700 INFO Task completed: {{atomate.vasp.firetasks.write_inputs.WriteVaspFromIOSet}}

2023-05-19 14:03:22,781 INFO Task started: {{atomate.vasp.firetasks.run_calc.RunVaspCustodian}}.

2023-05-19 14:03:35,577 INFO Rocket finished

This time, everything was identical to the files i previously listed except I used rlaunch instead of qlaunch in my_qadaptor.yaml. Along with these errors, output VASP files were produced in my launch directory, but they were all zipped (.gz files), and no vasprun.xml was produced. I understand this error can occur with VASP licensing issues, but I have successfully submitted VASP calculations manually to this cluster before and they execute without problem ( within the last 3 days).

Thanks for including some of the errors and information. I think more is needed however:

  1. Were all the VASP input files correct written? In particular one of the errors in your trace suggests the Si POTCAR isn’t found correctly
  2. Assuming the input files are correct, what does the OUTCAR look like? Is VASP running correctly but just not finishing correctly? Having some information about the VASP job itself would be helpful.

Hi Anubhav, thank you so much for your response. The POTCAR warnings seem to show up every time I generate VASP files from Pymatgen - its always something I tend to ignore (I’ve seen these show up for completely successful VASP calculations). That said, I checked the VASP files and the POTCAR.gz seemed to have generated normally. The INCAR, KPOINTS, and POSCAR files look good too. I believe VASP is not running at all. From what I can gather, the calculation fails because no vasp executable is created or found. Consequently, no OUTCAR file is generated.

The VASP job is a structure relaxation of Si, which I am running as part of an atomate set-up tutorial (linked in my initial post) to get atomate running properly on the HPC I use (TACC Stampede2). The VASP files are entirely generated using atomate and are sourced from Pymatgen. I can send you the contents of the POTCAR, POSCAR, INCAR, or KPOINTS files if you believe it would be helpful, but I believe the issue is not related to them. The following files are generated in the launch directory:

The contents of these files, excluding the VASP input files, is as follows:

TACC: Starting up job 11354959
TACC: Starting parallel tasks…

Usage: ./mpiexec [global opts] [exec1 local opts] : [exec2 local opts] : ...

Global options (passed to all executables):

  Global environment options:
    -genv {name} {value}             environment variable name and value
    -genvlist {env1,env2,...}        environment variable list to pass
    -genvnone                        do not pass any environment variables
    -genvall                         pass all environment variables not managed
                                          by the launcher (default)

  Other global options:
    -f {name} | -hostfile {name}     file containing the host names
    -hosts {host list}               comma separated host list
    -configfile {name}               config file containing MPMD launch options
    -machine {name} | -machinefile {name}
                                     file mapping procs to machines
    -pmi-connect {nocache|lazy-cache|cache}
                                     set the PMI connections mode to use
    -pmi-aggregate                   aggregate PMI messages
    -pmi-noaggregate                 do not  aggregate PMI messages
    -trace {<libraryname>}           trace the application using <libraryname>
                                     profiling library; default is
    -trace-imbalance {<libraryname>} trace the application using <libraryname>
                                     imbalance profiling library; default is
    -check-mpi {<libraryname>}       check the application using <libraryname>
                                     checking library; default is
    -ilp64                           Preload ilp64 wrapper library for support default size of                                  integer 8 bytes
    -mps                             start statistics gathering for MPI Performance Snapshot (MPS)
    -trace-pt2pt                     collect information about
                                     Point to Point operations
    -trace-collectives               collect information about
                                     Collective operations
    -tune [<confname>]               apply the tuned data produced by
                                     the MPI Tuner utility
    -use-app-topology <statfile>     perform optimized rank placement based statistics
                                     and cluster topology
    -noconf                          do not use any mpiexec's configuration files
    -branch-count {leaves_num}       set the number of children in tree
    -gwdir {dirname}                 working directory to use
    -gpath {dirname}                 path to executable to use
    -gumask {umask}                  mask to perform umask
    -tmpdir {tmpdir}                 temporary directory for cleanup input file
    -cleanup                         create input file for clean up
    -gtool {options}                 apply a tool over the mpi application
    -gtoolfile {file}                apply a tool over the mpi application. Parameters specified in the file

Local options (passed to individual executables):

  Local environment options:
    -env {name} {value}              environment variable name and value
    -envlist {env1,env2,...}         environment variable list to pass
    -envnone                         do not pass any environment variables-envall                          pass all environment variables (default)

  Other local options:
    -host {hostname}                 host on which processes are to be run
    -hostos {OS name}                operating system on particular host
    -wdir {dirname}                  working directory to use
    -path {dirname}                  path to executable to use
    -umask {umask}                   mask to perform umask
    -n/-np {value}                   number of processes
    {exec_name} {args}               executable name and arguments

Hydra specific options (treated as global):

  Bootstrap options:
    -bootstrap                       bootstrap server to use
     (ssh rsh pdsh fork slurm srun ll llspawn.stdio lsf blaunch sge qrsh persist service pbsdsh)
    -bootstrap-exec                  executable to use to bootstrap processes
    -bootstrap-exec-args             additional options to pass to bootstrap server
    -prefork                         use pre-fork processes startup method
    -enable-x/-disable-x             enable or disable X forwarding

  Resource management kernel options:
    -rmk                             resource management kernel to use (user slurm srun ll llspawn.stdio lsf blaunch sge qrsh pbs cobalt)

  Processor topology options:
    -binding                         process-to-core binding mode
  Extended fabric control options:
    -rdma                            select RDMA-capable network fabric (dapl). Fallback list is ofa,tcp,tmi,ofi
    -RDMA                            select RDMA-capable network fabric (dapl). Fallback is ofa
                                                                                                                                                   88,1          47%-dapl                            select DAPL-capable network fabric. Fallback list is tcp,tmi,ofa,ofi
    -DAPL                            select DAPL-capable network fabric. No fallback fabric is used
    -ib                              select OFA-capable network fabric. Fallback list is dapl,tcp,tmi,ofi
    -IB                              select OFA-capable network fabric. No fallback fabric is used
    -tmi                             select TMI-capable network fabric. Fallback list is dapl,tcp,ofa,ofi
    -TMI                             select TMI-capable network fabric. No fallback fabric is used
    -mx                              select Myrinet MX* network fabric. Fallback list is dapl,tcp,ofa,ofi
    -MX                              select Myrinet MX* network fabric. No fallback fabric is used
    -psm                             select PSM-capable network fabric. Fallback list is dapl,tcp,ofa,ofi
    -PSM                             select PSM-capable network fabric. No fallback fabric is used
    -psm2                            select Intel* Omni-Path Fabric. Fallback list is dapl,tcp,ofa,ofi
    -PSM2                            select Intel* Omni-Path Fabric. No fallback fabric is used
    -ofi                             select OFI-capable network fabric. Fallback list is tmi,dapl,tcp,ofa
    -OFI                             select OFI-capable network fabric. No fallback fabric is used

  Checkpoint/Restart options:
    -ckpoint {on|off}                enable/disable checkpoints for this run
    -ckpoint-interval                checkpoint interval
    -ckpoint-prefix                  destination for checkpoint files (stable storage, typically a cluster-wide file system)
    -ckpoint-tmp-prefix              temporary/fast/local storage to speed up checkpoints
    -ckpoint-preserve                number of checkpoints to keep (default: 1, i.e. keep only last checkpoint)
    -ckpointlib                      checkpointing library (blcr)
    -ckpoint-logfile                 checkpoint activity/status log file (appended)
    -restart                         restart previously checkpointed application
    -ckpoint-num                     checkpoint number to restart

  Demux engine options:
    -demux                           demux engine (poll select)
                                                                                                                                                   116,1         71%Debugger support options:
    -tv                              run processes under TotalView
    -tva {pid}                       attach existing mpiexec process to TotalView
    -gdb                             run processes under GDB
    -gdba {pid}                      attach existing mpiexec process to GDB
    -gdb-ia                          run processes under Intel IA specific GDB

  Other Hydra options:
    -v | -verbose                    verbose mode
    -V | -version                    show the version
    -info                            build information
    -print-rank-map                  print rank mapping
    -print-all-exitcodes             print exit codes of all processes
    -iface                           network interface to use
    -help                            show this message
    -perhost <n>                     place consecutive <n> processes on each host
    -ppn <n>                         stand for "process per node"; an alias to -perhost <n>
    -grr <n>                         stand for "group round robin"; an alias to -perhost <n>
    -rr                              involve "round robin" startup scheme
    -s <spec>                        redirect stdin to all or 1,2 or 2-4,6 MPI processes (0 by default)
    -ordered-output                  avoid data output intermingling
    -profile                         turn on internal profiling
    -l | -prepend-rank               prepend rank to output
    -prepend-pattern                 prepend pattern to output
    -outfile-pattern                 direct stdout to file
    -errfile-pattern                 direct stderr to file
    -localhost                       local hostname for the launching node
-nolocal                         avoid running the application processes on the node where mpiexec.hydra started

Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS, Version 2017 Update 3 Build 20170405 (id: 17193)
Copyright (C) 2003-2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
TACC:  MPI job exited with code: 255
TACC:  Shutdown complete. Exiting.



[mpiexec/] set_default_values (…/…/ui/mpich/utils.c:4663): no executable provided

[] HYD_uii_mpx_get_parameters (../../ui/mpich/utils.c:5151): setting default values failed



“spec”: {
“_tasks”: [
“structure”: {
“module”: “pymatgen.core.structure”,
“class”: “Structure”,
“charge”: null,
“lattice”: {
“matrix”: [
“a”: 3.8669746532647453,
“b”: 3.8669746532647453,
“c”: 3.8669746532647453,
“alpha”: 59.99999999999999,
“beta”: 59.99999999999999, “gamma”: 59.99999999999999,
“volume”: 40.88829284866483
“sites”: [
“species”: [
“element”: “Si”,
“occu”: 1
“abc”: [
“xyz”: [
“label”: “Si”,
“properties”: {
“magmom”: 0.0
“species”: [
{ “element”: “Si”,
“occu”: 1
“abc”: [
“xyz”: [
“label”: “Si”,
“properties”: {
“magmom”: 0.0
“vasp_input_set”: {
“module”: “”,
“class”: “MPRelaxSet”,
“version”: null,
“structure”: {
“module”: “pymatgen.core.structure”,
“class”: “Structure”,
“charge”: null, “lattice”: {
“matrix”: [
“a”: 3.8669746532647453,
“b”: 3.8669746532647453,
“c”: 3.8669746532647453,
“alpha”: 59.99999999999999,
“beta”: 59.99999999999999,
“gamma”: 59.99999999999999,
“volume”: 40.88829284866483
}, “sites”: [
“species”: [
“element”: “Si”,
“occu”: 1
“abc”: [
“xyz”: [
“label”: “Si”,
“properties”: {
“magmom”: 0.0
“species”: [
“element”: “Si”,
“occu”: 1 }
“abc”: [
“xyz”: [
“label”: “Si”,
“properties”: {
“magmom”: 0.0
“force_gamma”: true
“_fw_name”: “{{atomate.vasp.firetasks.write_inputs.WriteVaspFromIOSet}}”
“vasp_cmd”: “>>vasp_cmd<<”,
“job_type”: “double_relaxation_run”,
“max_force_threshold”: 0.25,
“ediffg”: null,
“auto_npar”: “>>auto_npar<<”, “half_kpts_first_relax”: false,
“_fw_name”: “{{atomate.vasp.firetasks.run_calc.RunVaspCustodian}}”
“name”: “structure optimization”,
“_fw_name”: “{{atomate.common.firetasks.glue_tasks.PassCalcLocs}}”
“db_file”: “>>db_file<<”,
“additional_fields”: {
“task_label”: “structure optimization”
“_fw_name”: “{{atomate.vasp.firetasks.parse_outputs.VaspToDb}}”
“fw_id”: 107,
“created_on”: “2023-05-19T20:30:32.826035”,
“updated_on”: “2023-05-22T17:00:29.069422”,
“launches”: [
“fworker”: {
“name”: “Stampede2_normal”,
“category”: “none”,
“query”: “{}”,
“env”: {
“db_file”: “/home1/09341/jamesgil/atomate/config/db.json”,
“vasp_cmd”: “ibrun vasp_std>my_vasp.out”, “scratch_dir”: “/scratch/09341/jamesgil”
“fw_id”: 107,
“launch_dir”: “/scratch/09341/jamesgil/atomate_test/block_2023-05-19-16-58-29-771445/launcher_2023-05-22-16-59-33-230791”,
“host”: “”,
“ip”: “”,
“trackers”: [],
“action”: null,
“state”: “RUNNING”,
“state_history”: [
“state”: “RUNNING”,
“created_on”: “2023-05-22T17:00:29.029631”,
“updated_on”: “2023-05-22T17:00:29.029646”
“launch_id”: 89
“state”: “RUNNING”,
“name”: “Si-structure optimization”


“job”: {
“module”: “”,
“class”: “VaspJob”,
“version”: “2023.3.10”,
“vasp_cmd”: [
“output_file”: “vasp.out”,
“stderr_file”: “std_err.txt”,
“suffix”: “.relax1”,
“final”: false,
“backup”: true,
“auto_npar”: false,
“auto_gamma”: true,
“settings_override”: null,
“gamma_vasp_cmd”: null,
“copy_magmom”: false,
“auto_continue”: false
“corrections”: [],
“handler”: null,
“validator”: {
“module”: “custodian.vasp.validators”,
“class”: “VasprunXMLValidator”,
“version”: “2023.3.10”,
“output_file”: “vasp.out”,
“stderr_file”: “std_err.txt”
}, “max_errors”: false,
“max_errors_per_job”: false,
“max_errors_per_handler”: false,
“nonzero_return_code”: false


#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=64
#SBATCH --time=4:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=normal
#SBATCH --account=TG-MAT210016
#SBATCH --job-name=FW_job
#SBATCH --output=FW_job-%j.out
#SBATCH --error=FW_job-%j.error
#SBATCH --mail-type=START,END

cd /scratch/09341/jamesgil/atomate_test/block_2023-05-19-16-58-29-771445/launcher_2023-05-22-16-59-33-230791
rlaunch -c /home1/09341/jamesgil/atomate/config singleshot

# CommonAdapter (SLURM) completed writing Template



2023-05-22 12:00:04,525 INFO Hostname/IP lookup (this will take a few seconds)

2023-05-22 12:00:04,538 INFO Launching Rocket

2023-05-22 12:00:29,493 INFO RUNNING fw_id: 107 in directory: /scratch/09341/jamesgil/atomate_test/block_2023-05-19-16-58-29-771445/launcher_2023-05-22-16-59-33-230791

2023-05-22 12:00:29,714 INFO Task started: {{atomate.vasp.firetasks.write_inputs.WriteVaspFromIOSet}}.

2023-05-22 12:00:29,956 INFO Task completed: {{atomate.vasp.firetasks.write_inputs.WriteVaspFromIOSet}}

2023-05-22 12:00:30,037 INFO Task started: {{atomate.vasp.firetasks.run_calc.RunVaspCustodian}}.


The FW_job-####.error.gz file is identical to the one that is posted in my previous comment.
The job seems to be failing in atomate.vasp.firetasks.run_calc.RunVaspCustodian. Could this be a version control issue with Fireworks or Custodian? Have you seen this kind of problem before? Thanks again for your help, and please let me know if any other files or information would be helpful.

This may take a few back and forths, but the first thing I would try is to change your vasp_cmd if VASP is not running. You currently have it set to:

ibrun vasp_std>my_vasp.out

My worry is that maybe custodian is not set up to handle that > correctly. Can you try changing your vasp_cmd to:

ibrun vasp_std

Remarkably, that seems to have fixed the issue! As far as I can tell, VASP seems like its running normally and the structure relaxation is complete. Thank you so much!

However, I will note that all the VASP input/output files are zipped in the launch directory- is this normal for calculations run through atomate/fireworks?

Dear @jamesgil,

This behavior is controlled by the gzip_output parameter of RunVaspCustodian, which is set to True by default. As far as I can see, VASP fireworks defined in atomate do not allow for kwarg passing to the RunVaspCustodian defined in them, but there’s an easy way to modify the zipping through modify_gzip_vasp powerup defined in atomate.vasp.powerups. To use this, simply do wf = modify_gzip_vasp(wf, gzip_output) with the gzip_output as your desired bool on your workflow and it will modify all the RunVaspCustodian tasks within.



Hi @jamesgil

See the message from @firaty regarding gzip.

Also, to avoid this happening to other users in the future, it would be great if you can open up an issue on the custodian repo to say that a vasp_cmd of ibrun vasp_std>my_vasp.out is not handled properly. You can reference this thread and also mention that the command is translated to:

“vasp_cmd”: [

which is incorrect.

Hopefully this will motivate a fix to the custodian library which will then prevent future issues in atomate.

1 Like

Thanks very much Anubhav, I’ll open up an issue on the custodian repo regarding this issue. I appreciate the help from you and @firaty .