Hello Sir Alex/team developers,
I am facing this error ( TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a real number, not
‘Atom’) in interpolation section with latest version (v0.4.20) of amset. I ran task with previous version (v0.4.15) which is installed with my colleague that give me this error (numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: SVD did not converge). I followed these replies (What is the high_frequency_dielectric - #2 by alex
and Error in POP calculation using AMSET - #2 by alex) and then showed this error ( ValueError: Could not calculate Fermi level position.Try a denser
k-point mesh), But I used doping concentration (-1E17). My calculations are not going forward. Please help me in this regard.
amset.log (6.6 KB)
amset(1).log (6.5 KB)
amset.log (15.6 KB)