Using pair_style nb3b/harmonic to implement a CaWO4 potential from literature

Dear LAMMPS community,
I am a LAMMPS beginner and try to implement the potential for CaWO4 from [A. Senyshyn et al., Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 214306, DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.70.214306] in my simulation. The authors of this paper use a combination of Coulomb, Buckingham, Morse, and Three-body potential to model the CaWO4 potential.
Using LAMMPS’ pair_style hybrid/overlay, I was able to combine pair_style coul/long (+ kspace_style ewald), pair_style buck, and pair_style morse; using the values from [Senyshyn2004, tab.1] to set the pair_coeff.
Now I am stumbling how to “translate” the values of k_three/2 and theta_0 given for O-W-O from the paper to LAMMPS’ pair_style nb3b/harmonic:

  1. Do I understand the LAMMPS manual correctly, that I have to give values for all permutations of O,W? As the paper gives only parameters for O-W-O, I have to set the parameters for all other permutations to zero?

  2. Would I have to permute over all three atom species of CaWO4 or only over W,O as the three-body potential is only relevant for O-W-O?

  3. The manual state that if the non-centre atoms are equal, k_three and theta_0 are irrelevant. Would this mean that in my case, both non-centre atoms are O, no parameter at all is relevant? I doubt this, because otherwise I think the three-body potential would not be needed in [Senyshyn2004].

  4. Lastly not strictly a LAMMPS questions, but maybe there is some community knowledge how to deal with the following: For pair_style nb3b/harmonic, I have also to provide a cut-off value, but [Senyshyn2004] does not report a cut-off for their three-body potential. Is it possible to calculate or estimate or guess an appropriate value?

Thank you very much for any help, comments, or suggestions!

Dear Holgerkluck,

did you receive any insight about your questions?

I was checking the code of this pair style and it looks like you should be able to provide K and theta parameters also for angles where non-centre atoms are of the same type. Despite what is written in the manual.

Can anyone confirm this? How should this style be used in the case of angles with same non centre atom type?

Thank you in advance for any reply.