VTK package runtime error


I installed VTK package into 4May22 version of LAMMPS on HPE Cray EX system. It is linked to VTK-9.2.0.rc2 library. I tried to run the LAMMPS examples: in.vtk and in.vtp. Both of runs gave following error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::logic_error’
what(): basic_string::_M_construct null not valid

BTW, the executable runs fine with examples other than vtk.

Any comments and advice will be appreciated.


@FrankD I think this is very likely a known bug that has been fixed already in this pull request Fix bug in vtk dump by AkosSeres · Pull Request #3346 · lammps/lammps · GitHub

As a workaround, you could define a region that contains the entire box and use that with the dump vtk command.

Or you would need to update to the latest stable version (23 June 2022 with update 1) or the latest patch version (3 August 2022) which include the bugfix.

@akohlmey Thanks a lot for your comments and suggestions.

As a workaround, you could define a region that contains the entire box and use that with the dump vtk command.
Can you please tell me how to modify the example input of in.vtk file to avoid the error? I manage the application for our users but myself is not a LAMMPS user.


Wouldn’t it be better in that case to install the latest stable version instead?
It has not only this bug fixed but a bunch of others, too.

The example input would need to be changed to something like (untested):

dump dmpvtk all vtk 50 dump/dump*.vtk id type vx vy vz fx fy fz
dump_modify dmpvtk region box

As competent LAMMPS users, your customers should be able to infer this from the documentation.

My user said the modification in the input file worked.
Thanks so much for the helps.