Wall Potential

Dear lammps users
I use region command to specify region where i want to define wall as bleow:
region block-1 block 64 65 -10 12 0 30
region block-2 block 64 65 -13 30 0 30
region block-3 block 64 65 12 13 0 13
region block-4 block 64 65 12 13 14 30

region totoal-block union block-1 block-2 block-3 block-4

my target substance MinMax dimensions are :
{-0.7708989977836609 0.1097399964928627 7.887070178985596}
{16.126100540161133 19.521400451660156 29.23579978942871}

and no water added in this step.

but error happened:

ERROR on proc 0: Particle on or inside surface of region used in fix wall/region (…/fix_wall_region.cpp:236)

any help would be appreciated.



The error is self-explanatory. You are defining your

regions in lattice units (not box), so possibly they

are not where you think they are.
