warning of inconsistent image flags

Dear LAMMPS users,

I got the warning “Inconsistent image flags” when I ran a case using a new version of LAMMPS (lammps-14Mar13). But when I then ran the same case using the old version of LAMMPS (lammps–5May12), there was no such warning. I wonder whether any change has been made for the criterion of the warning. Thanks.


Kira Banks

Dear LAMMPS users,

I got the warning "Inconsistent image flags" when I ran a case using a new
version of LAMMPS (lammps-14Mar13). But when I then ran the same case using
the old version of LAMMPS (lammps--5May12), there was no such warning. I
wonder whether any change has been made for the criterion of the warning.

the current LAMMPS version is checking image flag more carefully than it
did before. those may or may not be a sign of a problem with your input
data. please check out the documentation and previous discussions on this
subject in the mailing archives.
