Zero_weighted_kpoints tag

Dear all,

I noticed that the default setting for zero_weighted_kpoints is set to “prefer”. The documentation of AMSET says:
Command-line option: -z, --zero-weighted-kpoints

How to handle “zero-weighted” k-points if they are present in the calculation. Options are:

  • keep: Keep zero-weighted k-points in the band structure.
  • drop: Drop zero-weighted k-points, keeping only the weighted k-points.
  • prefer: Drop weighted-kpoints if zero-weighted k-points are present in the calculation (useful for cheap hybrid calculations).

I’m confused by the “prefer” option since it seems to let the code use only zero-weighted k points for the calculation (if I understand it correctly), which doesn’t make any sense to me…

  1. What does this “weight” refer to? Is it the one determined by the normalized cumulative integral of spectrum conductivity as mentioned in the Fermi-Dirac tolerance factor section or does it mean something else?
  2. I would assume the “keep” option give better result. However, I compared the result of these two options, they are almost identical. This tells me I might completely misunderstood the function of this tag.

Best regards,