I am running python 3.12 and pymatgen 2024.11.13. The Jupyter lab version is 3.6.8. I have installed crystal-toolkit using the %pip magic keyword within Jupyter and the installation ran to completion without error. The versions of crystaltook are reported as crystal_toolkit 2024.10.22 and crystaltoolkit-extension 0.6.0. A couple of years ago, when I installed crystaltoolkit, pymatgen structure objects interactively displayed within Jupyter. I had to reinstall the virtual environment at some point (this is within the latest version of conda) and now find that while pymatgen (and everything else … plotly, matplotlib, etc.) works fine, I find that when I input the name of a pymatgen structure object and execute the cell, a blank cell shows up as output. I have messed about a little, but cannot seem to find how to get the crystaltoolkit to properly display a structure like before. Any ideas of what I should try to track down the origin of the problem?